Following the scoping process and the development of a satisfactory ER by the applicant or its consultant that will serve as the agency's EA, RUS shall determine whether the proposed action is a major Federal action significantly affecting the quality of the human environment. If RUS determines the action is significant, RUS will continue with the procedures in subpart G of this part. If RUS determines the action is not significant, RUS will proceed in accordance with Sec. Sec. 1794.42 through 1794.44. For proposals subject to the procedures of subpart F, RUS shall publish notices in the Federal Register that announce the availability of the EA and solicit public comments on the EA (refer to Sec. 1794.42) and the RUS finding and the availability of the EA and FONSI (refer to Sec. 1794.43). [68 FR 45160, Aug. 1, 2003] Sec. Sec. 1794.55-1794.59 [Reserved]