FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 may be assisted by a State Agency in the preparation of an EIS subject to the conditions indicated below. At no time, however, is FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 relieved of its responsibilities for the scope, objectivity, and content of the entire statement of any other responsibility under NEPA.
(a) The FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 applicant for financial assistance is a State Agency having statewide jurisdiction and responsibility for the proposed action;
(b) FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 furnishes guidance to the State Agency as to the scope and content of the impact statement and participates in the preparation;
(c) FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 independently evaluates the statement and rectifies any major deficiencies prior to its circulation by the Agency as an EIS;
(d) FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 provides, early in the planning stages of the project, notification to and solicits the views of any land management entity (State or Federal Agency responsible for the management or control of public lands) concerning any portion of the project and its alternatives which may have significant impacts upon such land management entities; and
(e) If there is any disagreement on the impacts addressed by the review process outlined in paragraph (d) of this section, FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 prepares a written assessment of these impacts and the views of the land management entities for incorporation into the draft impact statement.