The code designation used in lieu of the full name and address of the person who transports or delivers seed for transportation in interstate commerce shall be approved by the Administrator of the Agricultural Marketing Service or such other person as may be designated by him for the purpose. When used, the code designation shall appear on the label in a clear and legible manner. [5 FR 31, Jan. 4, 1940, as amended at 13 FR 8731, Dec. 30, 1948; 19 FR 57, Jan. 6, 1954] Sec. 201.24a Inoculated seed.
Seed claimed to be inoculated shall be labeled to show the month and year beyond which the inoculant on the seed is no longer claimed to be effective by a statement such as, ``Inoculant not claimed to be effective after--------(Month and year).'' [32 FR 12779, Sept. 6, 1967]
labeling vegetable seeds