The complete record for any lot of seed shall include (a) records of analyses, tests, and examinations including statements of weed seeds, noxious weed seeds, inert matter, other agricultural seeds, and of any determinations of kind, variety, or type and a description of the methods used; and (b) for seeds indistinguishable by seed characteristics, records necessary to disclose the kind, variety, or type, including a grower's declaration of kind, variety, or type or an invoice, or other document establishing the kind, variety, or type to be that stated, and a representative sample of the seed. The grower's declaration shall be obtained and kept by the person procuring the seed from the grower. A copy of the grower's declaration and a sample of the seed shall be retained by the grower. [5 FR 30, Jan. 4, 1940, as amended at 20 FR 7929, Oct. 21, 1955; 24 FR 3951, May 15, 1959] Sec. 201.7a Treated seed.
The complete record for any lot consisting of or containing treated seed shall include records necessary to disclose the name of any substance or substances used in the treatment of such seed, including a label or invoice or other document received from any person establishing the name of any substance or substances used in the treatment to be as stated, and a representative sample of the treated seed. [32 FR 12778, Sept. 6, 1967]
labeling agricultural seeds