The following requirements must be met by processors of all classes of certified seed:
(a) Facilities shall be available to perform processing without introducing admixtures.
(b) Identity of the seed must be maintained at all times.
(c) Records of all operations relating to certification shall be complete and adequate to account for all incoming seed and final disposition of seed.
(d) Processors shall permit inspection by the certifying agency of all records pertaining to all classes of certified seed.
(e) Processors shall designate an individual who shall be responsible to the certifying agency for performing such duties as may be required by the certifying agency.
(f) Seed lots of the same variety and class may be blended and the class retained. If lots of different classes are blended, the lowest class shall be applied to the resultant blend. Such blending can only be done when authorized by the certifying agency. [38 FR 25662, Sept. 14, 1973]