(a) Nomination criteria. One or more local governments and the States in which an area is located must nominate such area for designation as an Empowerment Zone or Enterprise Community. Nominated areas can be considered for designation only if:
(1) The rural area meets the applicable requirements for eligibility identified in Sec. 25.100;
(2) The Secretary determines such governments have the authority to nominate the area for designation and to provide the assurances described in paragraph (b) of this section; and
(3) The Secretary determines all information furnished by the nominating States and local governments is reasonably accurate.
(b) Required certifications and assurances. The State and local governments nominating an area for designation must:
(1) Submit the following certifications:
(i) Each nominating governmental entity has the authority to:
(A) Nominate the rural area for designation as an Empowerment Zone or Enterprise Community and make the assurances required under this part;
(B) Make the State and local commitments contained in the strategic plan or otherwise required under this part; and
(C) Provide written assurances satisfactory to the Secretary that these commitments will be met; and
(ii) The nominated area satisfies the eligibility criteria referenced in Sec. 25.100, inclusive of the requirement that either;
(A) No portion of the area nominated is already included in a designated Empowerment Zone or Enterprise Community or in an area otherwise nominated to be designated under this section; or
(B) Where an existing Round I Enterprise Community is seeking to be designated as a Round II Empowerment Zone, that the nominated area includes the entirety of the applicable Round I Enterprise Community and that any other areas as may be included in the application do not comprise any portion of a designated Empowerment Zone or Enterprise Community or part of an area otherwise nominated to be designated under this section; and
(2) Provide written assurance that:
(i) The strategic plan will be implemented;
(ii) The nominating governments will make available, or cause to be made available, all information requested by USDA to aid in the evaluation of progress in implementing the strategic plan; and
(iii) EZ/EC SSBG funds, as applicable, will be used to supplement, not supplant, other Federal or non-Federal funds available for financing services or activities which promote the purposes of section 2007 of the Social Security Act.