(a) Principles of strategic plan. The strategic plan included in the application must be developed in accordance with the following four key principles:
(1) Strategic vision for change, which identifies what the community will become and a strategic map for revitalization. The vision should build on assets and coordinate a response to community needs in a comprehensive fashion. It should also set goals and performance benchmarks for measuring progress and establish a framework for evaluating and adjusting the revitalization plan.
(2) Community-based partnerships, involving the participation of all segments of the community, including the political and governmental leadership, community groups, local public health and social service departments and nonprofit groups providing similar services, environmental groups, local transportation planning entities, public and private schools, religious organizations, the private and nonprofit sectors, centers of learning, and other community institutions and individual citizens.
(3) Economic opportunity, including job creation within the community and throughout the region, entrepreneurial initiatives, small business expansion, job training and other important services such as affordable childcare and transportation services that may enable residents to be employed in jobs that offer upward mobility.
(4) Sustainable community development, to advance the creation of livable and vibrant communities through comprehensive approaches that coordinate economic, physical, environmental, community, and human development. These approaches should preserve the environment and historic landmarks--they may include ``brownfields'' clean-up and redevelopment, and promote transportation, education, and public safety.
(b) Minimum requirements. The strategic plan must:
(1) Describe the coordinated economic, human, community, and physical development plan and related activities proposed for the nominated area;
(2) Describe the process by which the affected community is a full partner in the process of developing and implementing the plan and the extent to which local institutions and organizations have contributed to the planning process;
(3) Identify the amount of State, local, and private resources that will be available in the nominated area and the private and public partnerships to be used, which may include participation by, and cooperation with, universities, medical centers, and other private and public entities;
(4) Identify the funding requested under any Federal program in support of the proposed economic, human, community, and physical development and related activities, including details about proposed uses of EZ/EC SSBG funds that may be available from HHS;
(5) Identify the baselines, methods, and benchmarks for measuring the success of carrying out the strategic plan, including the extent to which poor persons and families will be empowered to become economically self-sufficient;
(6) Must not include any action to assist any establishment in relocating from one area outside the nominated area to the nominated area, except that assistance for the expansion of an existing business entity through the establishment of a new branch, affiliate, or subsidiary is permitted if:
(i) The establishment of the new branch, affiliate, or subsidiary will not result in a decrease in employment in the area of original location or in any other area where the existing business entity conducts business operations; and
(ii) There is no reason to believe that the new branch, affiliate, or subsidiary is being established with the intention of closing down the operations of the existing business entity in the area of its original location or in any other area where the existing business entity conducts business operation; and
(7) Include such other information as required by USDA in the notice inviting applications or other applicable notice.
(c) Implementation of strategic plan. The strategic plan may be implemented by State governments, tribal governments, local governments, regional planning agencies, non-profit organizations, community-based organizations, or other nongovernmental entities. Activities included in the strategic plan may be funded from any source, Federal, State, local, or private, which agrees to provide assistance to the nominated area.
(d) Public access to materials and proceedings. The applicant or the lead managing entity, as applicable, must make available to the public copies of the strategic plan and supporting documentation and must conduct its meetings in accordance with the applicable open meetings acts. [63 FR 19114, Apr. 16, 1998, as amended at 67 FR 13557, Apr. 24, 2002]