This group consists of leaves usually grown at the center portion of the stalk. These leaves normally have a rounded tip, are thinner in body than those of the B group, and show little or no ground injury. Choice- and fine-quality tobacco of this group has a distinctive, smooth leaf surface. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Grade names and
U.S. grades specifications------------------------------------------------------------------------C1L....................................... Choice Light-brown Thin
Thin to medium body, mature
to ripe, firm, oily,
semielastic, strong, bright
finish, deep color
intensity, broad, 95
percent uniform, and 5
percent injury tolerance.
Fine Light-brown Thin Leaf.
Thin to medium body, mature
to ripe, firm, oily,
semielastic, strong, clear
finish, deep color
intensity, spready, 90
percent uniform, and 10
percent injury tolerance.
Good Light-brown Thin Leaf.
Thin to medium body, mature
to ripe, firm, oily,
semielastic, normal
strength, clear finish,
moderate color intensity,
normal width, 80 percent
uniform, and 20 percent
injury tolerance.C4L....................................... Fair Light-brown Thin Leaf.
Thin to medium body, mature
to ripe, close, lean in
oil, inelastic, weak, dull
finish, pale color
intensity, narrow, 70
percent uniform, and 30
percent injury tolerance.
Low Light-brown Thin Leaf.
Thin to medium body, mature
to ripe, close, lean in
oil, inelastic, weak, dull
finish, pale color
intensity, narrow, 60
percent uniform, and 40
percent injury tolerance.
Choice Medium-brown Thin
Thin to medium body, mature
to ripe, firm, oily,
semielastic, strong, bright
finish, deep color
intensity, broad, 95
percent uniform, and 5
percent injury tolerance.C2F....................................... Fine Medium-brown Thin Leaf.
Thin to medium body, mature
to ripe, firm, oily,
semielastic, strong, clear
finish, deep color
intensity, spready, 90
percent uniform, and 10
percent injury tolerance.C3F....................................... Good Medium-brown Thin Leaf.
Thin to medium body, mature
to ripe, firm, oily,
semielastic, normal
strength, clear finish,
moderate color intensity,
normal width, 80 percent
uniform, and 20 percent
injury tolerance.C4F....................................... Fair Medium-brown Thin Leaf.
Thin to medium body, mature
to ripe, close, lean in
oil, inelastic, weak, dull
finish, pale color
intensity, narrow, 70
percent uniform, and 30
percent injury tolerance.C5F....................................... Low Medium-brown Thin Leaf.
Thin to medium body, mature
to ripe, close, lean in
oil, inelastic, weak, dull
finish, pale color
intensity, narrow, 60
percent uniform, and 40
percent injury tolerance.C2D....................................... Fine Dark-brown Thin Leaf.
Thin to medium body, mature
to ripe, firm, oily,
semielastic, strong, clear
finish, deep color
intensity, spready, 90
percent uniform, and 10
percent injury tolerance.C3D....................................... Good Dark-brown Thin Leaf.
Thin to medium body, mature
to ripe, firm, lean in oil,
inelastic, normal strength,
clear finish, moderate
color intensity, normal
width, 80 percent uniform,
and 20 percent injury
tolerance.C4D....................................... Fair Dark-brown Thin Leaf.
Thin to medium body, mature
to ripe, close, lean in
oil, inelastic, weak, dull
finish, pale color
intensity, narrow, 70
percent uniform, and 30
percent injury tolerance.C5D....................................... Low Dark-brown Thin Leaf.
Thin to medium body, mature
to ripe, close, lean in
oil, inelastic, weak, dull
finish, pale color
intensity, narrow, 60
percent uniform, and 40
percent injury tolerance.C3M....................................... Good Mixed Color Thin Leaf.
Thin to medium body,
mature, firm, oily,
semielastic, normal
strength and width, 80
percent uniform, and 20
percent injury tolerance.C4M....................................... Fair Mixed Color Thin Leaf.
Thin to medium body,
mature, close, lean in oil,
inelastic, weak, narrow, 70
percent uniform, and 30
percent injury tolerance.C5M....................................... Low Mixed Color Thin Leaf.
Thin to medium body,
immature, close, lean in
oil, inelastic, weak,
narrow, 60 percent uniform,
and 40 percent injury
tolerance.C3G....................................... Good Green Thin Leaf.
Thin to medium body,
mature, firm, oily,
semielastic, normal
strength, clear finish,
normal width, 80 percent
uniform, and 20 percent
injury tolerance.C4G....................................... Fair Green Thin Leaf.
Thin to medium body,
immature, close, lean in
oil, inelastic, weak, dull
finish, narrow, 70 percent
uniform, and 30 percent
injury tolerance.C5G....................................... Low Green Thin Leaf.
Thin to medium body,
immature, close, lean in
oil, inelastic, weak, dull
finish, narrow, 60 percent
uniform and 40 percent
injury tolerance.------------------------------------------------------------------------