This group consists of unsorted tobacco from which the trash has been removed. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
U.S. grades Grade names, minimum specifications, and tolerances----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------X1............................................ Fine Quality Straight Stripped. Heavy, ripe, firm, semielastic,
normal strength and width, and 16 inches or over in length.
Uniformity, 85 percent; injury tolerance, 15 percent.
X2............................................ Fair Quality Straight Stripped. Heavy mature, close, inelastic,
normal strength, narrow, and 16 inches or over in length.
Uniformity, 75 percent. Tolerances: 5 percent crude, 5 percent
frozen, and 25 percent injury.X3............................................ Low Quality Straight Stripped. Heavy, immature, close,
inelastic, weak, and narrow. Uniformity, 60 percent.
Tolerances: 10 percent crude, 10 percent frozen, and 40 percent