(a) In accordance with part 319 of this chapter, some plants and plant parts may only be imported into the United States subject to certain destination restrictions. That is, under part 319, some plants and plant parts may be imported into some States or areas of the United States but are prohibited from being imported into, entered into, or distributed within other States or areas, as an additional safeguard against the introduction and establishment of foreign plant pests and diseases.
(b) Under this quarantine notice, whenever any imported plant or plant part is subject to destination restrictions under part 319:
(1) The State(s) or area(s) into which the plant or plant part is allowed to be imported is quarantined with respect to that plant or plant part; and
(2) No person shall move any plant or plant part from any such quarantined State or area into or through any State or area not quarantined with respect to that plant or plant part.
Subpart_Fruit Flies
Source: 73 FR 32432, June 9, 2008, unless otherwise noted.