Code of Federal Regulations (alpha)

CFR /  Title 7  /  Part 301  /  Sec. 301.38-2 Regulated articles.

(a) The following are regulated articles: \3\---------------------------------------------------------------------------

\3\ Permit and other requirements for the insterstate movement of black stem rust organisms are contained in part 330 of this chapter.---------------------------------------------------------------------------

(1) All plants, seeds, fruits, and other plant parts capable of propagation from the following rust-resistant Berberis species and varieties.

B. aggregata x B. wilsoniae `Pirate King'

B. `Amstelveen'

B. aridocalida

B. beaniana

B. buxifolia

B. buxifolia nana

B. calliantha

B. candidula

B. candidula `Amstelveen'

B. candidula x B. verruculosa `Amstelveen'

B. cavallieri

B. chenaulti

B. chanaulti `Apricot Queen'

B. circumserrata

B. concinna

B. coxii

B. darwini

B. dasystachya

B. dubia

B. feddeana

B. formosana

B. franchetiana

B. gagnepainii

B. gagnepaini `Chenault'

B. gilgiana

B. gladwynensis

B. gladwynensis `William Penn'

B. gyalaica

B. heterophylla

B. horvathi

B. hybrido-gagnepaini

B. insignis

B. integerrima `Wallichs Purple'

B. julianae

B. julianae `Nana'

B. julianae `Spring Glory'

B. koreana

B. koreana x B. thunbergii hybrid Bailsel

B. koreana x B. thunbergii hybrid Tara

B. lempergiana

B. lepidifolia

B. linearifolia

B. linearifolia var. `Orange King'

B. lologensis

B. lologensis `Mystery Fire'

B. manipurana

B. media `Dual Jewel'

B. media `Park Jewel'

B. media `Red Jewel'

B. mentorensis

B. pallens

B. poirettii `BJG 073', `MTA'

B. potanini

B. Renton

B. replicata

B. sanguinea

B. sargentiana

B. sikkimensis

B. soulieana `Claret Cascade'

B. stenophylla

B. stenophylla diversifolia

B. stenophylla gracilis

B. stenophylla irwini

B. stenophylla nana compacta

B. taliensis

B. telomaica artisepala

B. thunbergii

B. thunbergii `Ada'

B. thunbergii `Admiration'

B. thunbergii `Amera'

B. thunbergii `Antares'

B. thunbergii argenteo marginata

B. thunbergii `Arlene'

B. thunbergii atropurpurea

B. thunbergii atropurpurea erecta

B. thunbergii atropurpurea erecta Marshalli

B. thunbergii atropurpurea `Golden Ring'

B. thunbergii atropurpurea `Intermedia'

B. thunbergii atropurpurea `Knight Burgundy'

B. thunbergii atropurpurea `Moretti Select'

B. thunbergii atropurpurea nana

B. thunbergii atropurpurea `Redbird'

B. thunbergii atropurpurea `Rose Glow'

B. thunbergii aurea

B. thunbergii `Aurea Nana'

B. thunbergii `Bagatelle'

B. thunbergii `Bailgreen' (Jade Carousel \TM\)

B. thunbergii `Bailone'

B. thunbergii `Bailone' (Ruby Carousel [supreg])

B. thunbergii `Bailtwo'

B. thunbergii `Bailtwo' (Burgundy Carousel [supreg])

B. thunbergii `Benita'

B. thunbergii `Bonanza Gold'

B. thunbergii `Breval 8'

B. thunbergii `Celeste'

B. thunbergii `Chloe'

B. thunbergii `Concorde'

B. thunbergii `Crimson Ruby'

B. thunbergii `Crimson Pygmy'

B. thunbergii `Criruzam' Crimson Ruby\TM\

B. thunbergii `Della'

B. thunbergii `Dwarf Jewell'

B. thunbergii `Edda'

B. thunbergii erecta

B. thunbergii `Fay'

B. thunbergii `Fireball'

B. thunbergii `Gail'

B. thunbergii `globe'

B. thunbergii `golden'

B. thunbergii `Golden Carpet'

B. thunbergii `Golden Devine'

B. thunbergii `Golden Pygmy'

B. thunbergii `Golden Rocket'

B. thunbergii `Golden Ruby'

B. thunbergii `Golden Torch'

B. thunbergii `Green Carpet'

B. thunbergii `Grhozam' (Green Hornet \TM\)

B. thunbergii `Harlequin'

B. thunbergii `Helen'

B. thunbergii `Helmond Pillar'

B. thunbergii `Joyce'

B. thunbergii `Kasia'

B. thunbergii `Kobold'

B. thunbergii `Koren'

B. thunbergii `Lime Glow'

B. thunbergii `Lotty'

B. thunbergii `Lustre Green'

B. thunbergii `Maria'

B. thunbergii `Martha'

B. thunbergii maximowiczi

B. thunbergii `Midruzam' Midnight Ruby \TM\

B. thunbergii `Mimi'

B. thunbergii minor

B. thunbergii `Monlers'

B. thunbergii `Monomb'

B. thunbergii `Monry'

B. thunbergii `O'Byrne'

B. thunbergii `Orange Rocket'

B. thunbergii `Painter's Palette'

B. thunbergii `Phoebe'

B. thunbergii `Pink Queen'

B. thunbergii pluriflora

B. thunbergii `Pow Wow'

B. thunbergii `Pyruzam' (Pygmy Ruby\TM\)

B. thunbergii `Red Carpet'

B. thunbergii `Red Rocket'

B. thunbergii `Rosy Rocket'

B. thunbergii `Royal Burgundy'

B. thunbergii `Royal Cloak'

B. thunbergii `Ruth'

B. thunbergii `Sparkle'

B. thunbergii `Sparkler'

B. thunbergii `Talago'

B. thunbergii `Thornless'

B. thunbergii `Tiny Gold'

B. thunbergii `24kagozam' (24 Karat Gold \TM\)

B. thunbergii `Upright Jewell'

B. thunbergii `Velglozam' (Velvet Glow \TM\)

B. thunbergii variegata

B. thunbergii xanthocarpa

B. thunbergii x `Bailsel' (Golden Carousel [supreg])

B. thunbergii x `Tara' (Emerald Carousel [supreg])

B. triacanthophora

B. triculosa

B. verruculosa

B. virgatorum

B. workingensis

B. xanthoxylon

B. x carminea `Pirate King'

B. x frikartii `Amstelveen'

(2) All plants, seedlings, seeds, fruits, and other plant parts capable of propagation from the following rust-resistant Mahoberberis and Mahonia species and varieties, except Mahonia cuttings for decorative purposes:

(i) Genus Mahoberberis:

M. aqui-candidula

M. aquifolium `Smaragd'

M. aqui-sargentiae

M. miethkeana

M. x `Magic'

(ii) Genus Mahonia:

M. amplectens

M. aquifolium

M. aquifolium atropurpurea

M. aquifolium compacta

M. aquifolium compacta `John Muir'

M. aquifolium `Donewell'

M. aquifolium `Kings Ransom'

M. aquifolium `Orangee Flame'

M. aquifolium `Undulata'

M. aquifolium `Winter Sun'

M. `Arthur Menzies'

M. bealei

M. `Bokasio' Sioux

M. `Bokrafoot' Blackfoot

M. dictyota

M. fortunei

M. `Golden Abundance'

M. japonica

M. japonica x M. lomariifolia `Charity'

M. lomarifolia

M. nervosa

M. pinnata

M. pinnata `Ken Hartman'

M. piperiana

M. pumila

M. repens

M.xmedia `Charity'

M.x media `Lionel Fortescue'

M.xmedia `Winter Sun'

(3) All plants, seeds, fruits, and other plant parts capable of propagation from rust-susceptible species and varieties of the genera Berberis, Mahoberberis, and Mahonia, except Mahonia cuttings for decorative purposes.

(4) Any other product or article not listed in paragraphs (a)(1) through (a)(3) of this section that an inspector determines presents a risk of spread of black stem rust. The inspector must notify the person in possession of the product or article that it is subject to the provisions of this subpart.

(b) A person may request that an additional rust-resistant variety be added to paragraph (a)(1) or (a)(2) of this section. The person requesting that a rust-resistant variety be added to paragraph (a)(1) or (a)(2) of this section must provide APHIS with a description of the variety, including a written description and color pictures that can be used by an inspector to clearly identify the variety and distinguish it from other varities. (Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 0579-0186) [67 FR 8179, Feb. 22, 2002, as amended at 71 FR 5778, Feb. 3, 2006; 72 FR 32167, June 12, 2007; 72 FR 72233, Dec. 20, 2007; 75 FR 29193, May 25, 2010; 75 FR 54462, Sept. 8, 2010; 78 FR 27856, May 13, 2013]