(a) Additional conditions for the issuance of a certificate; regulated nursery stock produced within a nursery located in the quarantined area. In addition to the general conditions for issuance of a certificate contained in Sec. 301.76-5(a), an inspector or person operating under a compliance agreement may issue a certificate for interstate movement of regulated nursery stock to any State if all of the following conditions are met:
(1) The nursery in which the nursery stock is produced has entered into a compliance agreement with APHIS in which it agrees to meet the relevant construction standards, sourcing and certification requirements, cleaning, disinfecting, and safeguarding requirements, labeling requirements, and recordkeeping and inspection requirements specified in a PPQ protocol document. The protocol document will be provided to the person at the time he or she enters into the compliance agreement.\6\ The compliance agreement may also specify additional conditions determined by APHIS to be necessary in order to prevent the dissemination of citrus greening under which the nursery stock must be grown, maintained, and shipped in order to obtain a certificate for its movement. The compliance agreement will also specify that APHIS may amend the agreement.---------------------------------------------------------------------------
\6\ The protocol document is also available on the Internet at http://www.aphis.usda.gov/plant_health/plant_pest_info/citrus/index.shtml and may be obtained from local Plant Protection and Quarantine offices, which are listed in telephone directories.---------------------------------------------------------------------------
(2) An inspector has determined that the nursery has adhered to all terms and conditions of the compliance agreement.
(3) The nursery stock is completely enclosed in a sealed container that is clearly labeled with the certificate and is moved interstate in that container.
(4) A copy of the certificate is attached to the consignee's copy of the accompanying waybill.
(b) Additional conditions for issuance of a limited permit; regulated nursery stock grown, produced, or maintained at a nursery or other facility located in the quarantined area. In addition to the general conditions for issuance of a limited permit contained in Sec. 301.76-5(b), an inspector or person operating under a compliance agreement may issue a limited permit for the interstate movement for immediate export of regulated nursery stock grown, produced, or maintained at a nursery or other facility located in the quarantined area if:
(1) The nursery stock is treated for Asian citrus psyllid with an APHIS-approved soil drench or in-ground granular application, followed by an APHIS-approved foliar spray, in accordance with Sec. 301.76-6(b)(1), or with methyl bromide, in accordance with 7 CFR part 305 of this chapter.
(2) The nursery stock is inspected by an inspector in accordance with Sec. 301.76-9 and found free of Asian citrus psyllid, if treated in accordance with Sec. 301.76-6(b)(1).
(3) The nursery stock is affixed prior to movement with a plastic or metal tag on which the statement ``Limited permit: USDA-APHIS-PPQ. For immediate export only'' is prominently and legibly displayed. If the nursery stock is destined for movement or sale in a box or container, the statement may be printed on the box or container, or printed on a label permanently affixed to the box or container, provided that, in either case, the statement is prominently and legibly displayed.
(4) The nursery stock is accompanied by a copy of this limited permit attached to the consignee's copy of the waybill.
(5) The nursery stock is moved in accordance with the conditions specified on the limited permit directly to the port of export specified on the limit permit, in a container sealed with an agricultural seal placed by an inspector.
(6) A copy of the limited permit is attached to or legibly printed on this container.
(7) The nursery stock remains in this container, and the container remains sealed, as long as the plants are within the United States.
(c) Except for nursery stock for which a limited permit has been issued in accordance with the conditions of paragraph (a) or (b) of this section, no other regulated article may be moved interstate from an area quarantined for citrus greening. (Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 0579-0369) [75 FR 34332, June 17, 2010, as amended at 76 FR 23458, Apr. 27, 2011; 77 FR 59712, Oct. 1, 2012]