(a) The importation into the United States of sugarcane and its related products, including cuttings, canes, leaves and bagasse, from all foreign countries and localities is prohibited, except for importations for experimental, therapeutic, or developmental purposes under the conditions specified in a controlled import permit issued in accordance with Sec. 319.6.
(b) As used in this subpart, unless the context otherwise requires, the term ``United States'' means the States, the District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands of the United States. [24 FR 10788, Dec. 29, 1959, as amended at 66 FR 21055, Apr. 27, 2001; 78 FR 25570, May 2, 2013] Sec. 319.15a Administrative instructions and interpretation relatingto entry into Guam of bagasse and related sugarcane products.
Bagasse and related sugarcane products have been so processed that, in the judgment of the Department, their importation into Guam will involve no pest risk, and they may be imported into Guam without further permit, other than the authorization contained in this paragraph. Such importations may be made without the submission of a notice of arrival inasmuch as there is available to the inspector the essential information normally supplied by the importer at the time of importation. Inspection of such importations may be made under the general authority of Sec. 330.105(a) of this chapter. If an importation is found infected, infested, or contaminated with any plant pest and is not subject to disposal under this part, disposition may be made in accordance with Sec. 330.106 of this chapter.
Subpart_Citrus Canker and Other Citrus Diseases