(a) The fact has been determined by the Secretary of Agriculture, and notice is hereby given, (1) that injurious fungous diseases of rice, including downy, mildew (Sclerospora macrospora), leaf smut (Entyloma oryzae), blight (Oospora oryzetorum), and glume blotch (Melanomma glumarum), as well as dangerous insect pests, new to and not heretofore widely prevalent or distributed within and throughout the United States, exist, as to one or more of such diseases and pests, in Europe, Asia, Africa, Central America, South America, and other foreign countries and localities, and may be introduced into this country through importations of seed or paddy rice, rice straw, and rice hulls, and (2) that the unrestricted importation of seed or paddy rice from the Republic of Mexico and of rice straw and rice hulls from all foreign countries and localities may result in the entry into the United States of the injurious plant diseases heretofore enumerated, as well as insect pests.
(b) To prevent the introduction into the United States of the plant pests and diseases indicated above, the Secretary has determined that it is necessary to prohibit the importation into the United States of seed or paddy rice from all foreign locations except the Republic of Mexico and to restrict the importation of seed or paddy rice, rice straw, and rice hulls from the Republic of Mexico and all other foreign locations, except as otherwise provided in this subpart.
(c) The Administrator may authorize the importation of articles otherwise prohibited by this subpart under conditions specified in a controlled import permit issued in accordance with Sec. 319.6.
(d) As used in this subpart, unless the context otherwise requires, the term ``United States'' means the States, the District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands of the United States. [24 FR 10788, Dec. 29, 1959, as amended at 66 FR 21056, Apr. 27, 2001; 78 FR 25571, May 2, 2013] Sec. 319.55a Administrative instructions relating to entry of rice straw and rice hulls into Guam.
Rice straw and rice hulls may be imported into Guam without further permit, other than the authorization contained in this paragraph. The port of entry shall be Agana or such other port as may be satisfactory to the inspector. Such importations may be made without the submission of a notice of arrival inasmuch as there is available to the inspector the essential information normally supplied by an importer at the time of importation. The requirements of Sec. Sec. 319.55-6 and 319.55-7 shall not apply. Inspections of such importations may be made under the general authority of Sec. 330.105(a) of this chapter. If an importation is found infected, infested, or contaminated by any plant pest and is not subject to disposal under this part, disposition may be made in accordance with Sec. 330.106 of this chapter.
Rules and Regulations