(a) Tomatoes (fruit) (Solanum lycopersicum) from Spain. Pink or red tomatoes may be imported into the United States from Spain only in accordance with this section and all other applicable provisions of this subpart. \5\---------------------------------------------------------------------------
\5\ The surface area of a pink tomato is more than 30 percent but not more than 60 percent pink and/or red. The surface area of a red tomato is more than 60 percent pink and/or red. Green tomatoes from Spain, France, Morocco, and Western Sahara may be imported in accordance with Sec. Sec. 319.56-3 and 319.56-4.---------------------------------------------------------------------------
(1) The tomatoes must be grown in the Almeria Province, the Murcia Province, or the municipalities of Albu[ntilde]ol and Carchuna in the Granada Province of Spain in greenhouses registered with, and inspected by, the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Food (MAFF);
(2) The tomatoes may be shipped only from December 1 through April 30, inclusive;
(3) Two months prior to shipping, and continuing through April 30, MAFF must set and maintain Mediterranean fruit fly (Medfly) traps baited with trimedlure inside the greenhouses at a rate of four traps per hectare. In all areas outside the greenhouses and within 8 kilometers, including urban and residential areas, MAFF must place Medfly traps at a rate of four traps per square kilometer. All traps must be checked every 7 days;
(4) Capture of a single Medfly in a registered greenhouse will immediately result in cancellation of exports from that greenhouse until the source of infestation is determined, the Medfly infestation is eradicated, and measures are taken to preclude any future infestation. Capture of a single Medfly within 2 kilometers of a registered greenhouse will necessitate increasing trap density in order to determine whether there is a reproducing population in the area. Capture of two Medflies within 2 kilometers of a registered greenhouse and within a 1-month time period will result in cancellation of exports from all registered greenhouses within 2 kilometers of the find until the source of infestation is determined and the Medfly infestation is eradicated;
(5) MAFF must maintain records of trap placement, checking of traps, and any Medfly captures, and must make the records available to APHIS upon request;
(6) The tomatoes must be packed within 24 hours of harvest. They must be safeguarded from harvest to export by insect-proof mesh screens or plastic tarpaulins, including while in transit to the packinghouse and while awaiting packaging. They must be packed in insect-proof cartons or containers, or covered by insect-proof mesh or plastic tarpaulins for transit to the airport and subsequent export to the United States. These safeguards must be intact upon arrival in the United States; and
(7) MAFF is responsible for export certification inspection and issuance of phytosanitary certificates. Each consignment of tomatoes must be accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate issued by MAFF and bearing the declaration, ``These tomatoes were grown in registered greenhouses in Almeria Province, the Murcia Province, or the municipalities of Albu[ntilde]ol and Carchuna in the Granada Province in Spain.''
(b) Tomatoes (fruit) (Solanum lycopersicum) from France. Pink or red tomatoes may be imported into the United States from France only in accordance with this section and other applicable provisions of this subpart. \6\---------------------------------------------------------------------------
\6\ See footnote 5 to paragraph (a) of this section.---------------------------------------------------------------------------
(1) The tomatoes must be grown in the Brittany Region of France in greenhouses registered with, and inspected by, the Service de la Protection Vegetaux (SRPV);
(2) From June 1 through September 30, SRPV must set and maintain one Medfly trap baited with trimedlure inside and one outside each greenhouse and must check the traps every 7 days;
(3) Capture of a single Medfly inside or outside a registered greenhouse will immediately result in cancellation of exports from that greenhouse until the source of the infestation is determined, the Medfly infestation is eradicated, and measures are taken to preclude any future infestation;
(4) SRPV must maintain records of trap placement, checking of traps, and any Medfly captures, and must make them available to APHIS upon request;
(5) From June 1 through September 30, the tomatoes must be packed within 24 hours of harvest. They must be safeguarded by insect-proof mesh screen or plastic tarpaulin while in transit to the packinghouse and while awaiting packing. They must be packed in insect-proof cartons or containers, or covered by insect-proof mesh screen or plastic tarpaulin. These safeguards must be intact upon arrival in the United States; and
(6) SRPV is responsible for export certification inspection and issuance of phytosanitary certificates. Each consignment of tomatoes must be accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate issued by SRPV and bearing the declaration, ``These tomatoes were grown in registered greenhouses in the Brittany Region of France.''
(c) Tomatoes (fruit) (Solanum lycopersicum) from the provinces of El Jadida or Safi in Morocco and the province of Dahkla in Western Sahara. Pink tomatoes may be imported into the United States from the provinces of El Jadida or Safi in Morocco and the province of Dahkla in Western Sahara only in accordance with this section and other applicable provisions of this subpart.\7\---------------------------------------------------------------------------
\7\ See footnote 5 to paragraph (a) of this section.---------------------------------------------------------------------------
(1) The tomatoes must be grown in the provinces of El Jadida or Safi in Morocco or in the province of Dahkla in Western Sahara in insect-proof greenhouses registered with, and inspected by, the national plant protection organization (NPPO) of Morocco the national plant protection organization (NPPO) of Morocco ;
(2) The tomatoes may be shipped from Morocco and Western Sahara only between December 1 and April 30, inclusive;
(3) Beginning 2 months prior to the start of the shipping season and continuing through the end of the shipping season, the NPPO of Morocco must set and maintain Mediterranean fruit fly (Medfly) traps baited with trimedlure inside the greenhouses at a rate of four traps per hectare. In Morocco, traps must also be placed outside registered greenhouses within a 2-kilometer radius at a rate of four traps per square kilometer. In Western Sahara, a single trap must be placed outside in the immediate proximity of each registered greenhouse. All traps in Morocco and Western Sahara must be checked every 7 days;
(4) The NPPO of Morocco must maintain records of trap placement, checking of traps, and any Medfly captures, and make the records available to APHIS upon request. The trapping records must be maintained for 1 year for APHIS review;
(5) Capture of a single Medfly in a registered greenhouse will immediately result in cancellation of exports from that greenhouse until the source of the infestation is determined, the Medfly infestation has been eradicated, and measures are taken to preclude any future infestation. Capture of a single Medfly within 200 meters of a registered greenhouse will necessitate increasing trap density in order to determine whether there is a reproducing population in the area. Six additional traps must be placed within a radius of 200 meters surrounding the trap where the Medfly was captured. Capture of two Medflies within 200 meters of a registered greenhouse and within a 1-month time period will necessitate Malathion bait sprays in the area every 7 to 10 days for 60 days to ensure eradication;
(6) The tomatoes must be packed within 24 hours of harvest and must be pink at the time of packing. They must be safeguarded by an insect-proof mesh screen or plastic tarpaulin while in transit to the packinghouse and while awaiting packing. They must be packed in insect-proof cartons or containers, or covered by insect-proof mesh or plastic tarpaulin for transit to the airport and export to the United States. These safeguards must be intact upon arrival in the United States; and
(7) The national plant protection organization of Morocco (NPPO) is responsible for export certification inspection and issuance of phytosanitary certificates. Each consignment of tomatoes must be accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate issued by the NPPO of Morocco and bearing the declaration, ``These tomatoes were grown in registered greenhouses in El Jadida or Safi Province, Morocco, and were pink at the time of packing'' or ``These tomatoes were grown in registered greenhouses in Dahkla Province, Western Sahara and were pink at the time of packing.''
(d) Tomatoes from Chile. Tomatoes (fruit) (Solanum lycopersicum) from Chile, whether green or at any stage of ripeness, may be imported into the United States with treatment in accordance with paragraph (d)(1) of this section or if produced in accordance with the systems approach described in paragraph (d)(2) of this section.
(1) With treatment. (i) The tomatoes must be treated in Chile with methyl bromide in accordance with part 305 of this chapter. The treatment must be conducted in facilities registered with the Servicio Agricola y Ganadero (SAG) and with APHIS personnel monitoring the treatments;
(i) The tomatoes must be treated in Chile with methyl bromide in accordance with part 305 of this chapter. The treatment must be conducted in facilities registered with the Servicio Agricola y Ganadero (SAG) and with APHIS personnel monitoring the treatments;
(ii) The tomatoes must be treated and packed within 24 hours of harvest. Once treated, the tomatoes must be safeguarded by an insect-proof mesh screen or plastic tarpaulin while in transit to the packinghouse and awaiting packing. They must be packed in insect-proof cartons or containers, or insect-proof mesh or plastic tarpaulin under APHIS monitoring for transit to the airport and subsequent export to the United States. These safeguards must be intact upon arrival in the United States; and
(iii) Tomatoes may be imported into the United States from Chile with treatment in accordance with this paragraph (d)(1) only if SAG has entered into a trust fund agreement with APHIS for that shipping season in accordance with Sec. 319.56-6. This agreement requires SAG to pay in advance all costs that APHIS estimates it will incur in providing the preclearance services prescribed in this section for that shipping season.
(2) Systems approach. The tomatoes may be imported without fumigation for Tuta absoluta, Rhagoletis tomatis, and Mediterranean fruit fly (Medfly, Ceratitis capitata) if they meet the following conditions:
(i) The tomatoes must be grown in approved production sites that are registered with SAG. Initial approval of the production sites will be completed jointly by SAG and APHIS. SAG will visit and inspect the production sites monthly, starting 2 months before harvest and continuing until the end of the shipping season. APHIS may monitor the production sites at any time during this period.
(ii) Tomato production sites must consist of pest-exclusionary greenhouses, which must have double self-closing doors and have all other openings and vents covered with 1.6 mm (or less) screening.
(iii) The tomatoes must originate from an area that has been determined by APHIS to be free of Medfly in accordance with the procedures described in Sec. 319.56-5 or an area where Medfly trapping occurs. Production sites in areas where Medfly is known to occur must contain traps for both Medfly and Rhagoletis tomatis in accordance with paragraphs (d)(2)(iii) and (d)(2)(iv) of this section. Production sites in all other areas do not require trapping for Medfly. The trapping protocol for the detection of Medfly in infested areas is as follows:
(A) McPhail traps with an approved protein bait must be used within registered greenhouses. Traps must be placed inside greenhouses at a density of 4 traps/10 ha, with a minimum of at least two traps per greenhouse.
(B) Medfly traps with trimedlure must be placed inside a buffer area 500 meters wide around the registered production site, at a density of 1 trap/10 ha and a minimum of 10 traps. These traps must be checked at least every 7 days. At least one of these traps must be near a greenhouse. Traps must be set for at least 2 months before export and trapping and continue to the end of the harvest season.
(C) Medfly prevalence levels in the surrounding areas must be 0.7 Medflies per trap per week or lower. If levels exceed this before harvest, the production site will be prohibited from shipping under the systems approach. If the levels exceed this after the 2 months prior to harvest, the production site would be prohibited from shipping under the systems approach until APHIS and SAG agree that the pest risk has been mitigated.
(iv) Registered production sites must contain traps for Rhagoletis tomatis in accordance with the following provisions:
(A) McPhail traps with an approved protein bait must be used within registered greenhouses. Traps must be placed inside greenhouses at a density of 4 traps/10 ha, with a minimum of at least two traps per greenhouse. Traps inside greenhouses will use the same bait for Medfly and Rhagoletis tomatis because the bait used for R. tomatis is sufficient for attracting both types of fruit fly within the confines of a greenhouse; therefore, it is unnecessary to repeat this trapping protocol in production sites in areas where Medfly is known to occur.
(B) McPhail traps with an approved protein bait must be placed inside a 500 meter buffer zone at a density of 1 trap/10 ha surrounding the production site. At least one of the traps must be near a greenhouse. Traps must be set for at least 2 months before export until the end of the harvest season and must be checked at least every 7 days. In areas where Medfly trapping is required, traps located outside of greenhouses must contain different baits for Medfly and Rhagoletis tomatis. There is only one approved bait for R. tomatis and the bait is not strong enough to lure Medfly when used outside greenhouses; therefore, separate traps must be used for each type of fruit fly present in the area surrounding the greenhouses.
(C) If within 30 days of harvest a single Rhagoletis tomatis is captured inside the greenhouse or in a consignment or if two R. tomatis are captured or detected in the buffer zone, shipments from the production site will be suspended until APHIS and SAG determine that risk mitigation is achieved.
(v) Registered production sites must conduct regular inspections for Tuta absoluta throughout the harvest season and find these areas free of T. absoluta evidence (e.g., eggs or larvae). If within 30 days of harvest, two T. absoluta are captured inside the greenhouse or a single T. absoluta is found inside the fruit or in a consignment, shipments from the production site will be suspended until APHIS and SAG determine that risk mitigation is achieved.
(vi) SAG will ensure that populations of Liriomyza huidobrensis inside greenhouses are well managed by doing inspections during the monthly visits specifically for L. huidobrensis mines in the leaves and for visible external pupae or adults. If L. huidobrensis is found to be generally infesting the production site, shipments from the production site will be suspended until APHIS and SAG agree that risk mitigation is achieved.
(vii) All traps must be placed at least 2 months prior to harvest and be maintained throughout the harvest season and be monitored and serviced weekly.
(viii) SAG must maintain records of trap placement, checking of traps, and of any Rhagoletis tomatis or Tuta absoluta captures for 1 year for APHIS review. SAG must maintain an APHIS approved quality control program to monitor or audit the trapping program. APHIS must be notified when a production site is removed from or added to the program.
(ix) The tomatoes must be packed within 24 hours of harvest in a pest-exclusionary packinghouse. The tomatoes must be safeguarded by a pest-proof screen or plastic tarpaulin while in transit to the packinghouse and while awaiting packing. Tomatoes must be packed in insect-proof cartons or containers or covered with insect-proof mesh or plastic tarpaulin for transit to the United States. These safeguards must remain intact until arrival in the United States.
(x) During the time the packinghouse is in use for exporting fruit to the United States, the packinghouse may only accept fruit from registered approved production sites.
(xi) SAG is responsible for export certification inspection and issuance of phytosanitary certificates. Each consignment of tomatoes must be accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate issued by SAG with an additional declaration, ``These tomatoes were grown in an approved production site in Chile.'' The shipping box must be labeled with the identity of the production site.
(e) Tomatoes (fruit) (Solanum lycopersicum) from Australia. Tomatoes may be imported into the United States from Australia only in accordance with this section and other applicable provisions of this subpart.
(1) The tomatoes must be grown in greenhouses registered with, and inspected by, the Australian Quarantine Inspection Service (AQIS);
(2) Two months prior to shipping, AQIS must inspect the greenhouse to establish its freedom from the following quarantine pests: Bactrocera aquilonis, B. cucumis, B. jarvis, B. neohumeralis, B. tryoni, Ceratitis capitata, Chrysodeixis argentifera, C. erisoma, Helicoverpa armigera, H. punctigera, Lamprolonchaea brouniana, Sceliodes cordalis, and Spodoptera litura. AQIS must also set and maintain fruit fly traps inside the greenhouses and around the perimeter of the greenhouses. Inside the greenhouses, the traps must be APHIS-approved fruit fly traps, and they must be set at the rate of six per hectare. In all areas outside the greenhouse and within 8 kilometers of the greenhouse, fruit fly traps must be placed on a 1-kilometer grid. All traps must be checked at least every 7 days;
(3) Within a registered greenhouse, capture of a single fruit fly or other quarantine pest will result in immediate cancellation of exports from that greenhouse until the source of the infestation is determined, the infestation has been eradicated, and measures are taken to preclude any future infestation;
(4) Outside of a registered greenhouse, if one fruit fly of the species specified in paragraph (e)(2) of this section is captured, the trap density and frequency of trap inspection must be increased to detect a reproducing colony. Capture of two Medflies or three of the same species of Bactrocera within 2 kilometers of each other and within 30 days will result in the cancellation of exports from all registered greenhouses within 2 kilometers of the finds until the source of the infestation is determined and the fruit fly infestation is eradicated;
(5) AQIS must maintain records of trap placement, checking of traps, and any fruit fly captures, and must make the records available to APHIS upon request;
(6) The tomatoes must be packed within 24 hours of harvest. They must be safeguarded by an insect-proof mesh screen or plastic tarpaulin while in transit to the packinghouse or while awaiting packing. They must be placed in insect-proof cartons or containers, or securely covered with insect-proof mesh or plastic tarpaulin for transport to the airport or other shipping point. These safeguards must be intact upon arrival in the United States; and
(7) Each consignment of tomatoes must be accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate issued by AQIS stating ``These tomatoes were grown, packed, and shipped in accordance with the requirements of Sec. 319.56-28(e) of 7 CFR.''
(f) Tomatoes (fruit) (Solanum lycopersicum) from certain countries in Central America. Pink or red tomatoes may be imported into the United States from Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama only under the following conditions:
(1) From areas free of Mediterranean fruit fly:
(i) The tomatoes must be grown and packed in an area that has been determined by APHIS to be free of Mediterranean fruit fly (Medfly) in accordance with the procedures described in Sec. 319.56-5.
(ii) A pre-harvest inspection of the production site must be conducted by the national plant protection organization (NPPO) of the exporting country for pea leafminer, tomato fruit borer, and potato spindle tuber viroid. If any of these pests are found to be generally infesting the production site, the NPPO may not allow exports from that production site until the NPPO and APHIS have determined that risk mitigation has been achieved.
(iii) The tomatoes must be packed in insect-proof cartons or containers or covered with insect-proof mesh or plastic tarpaulin at the packinghouse for transit to the United States. These safeguards must remain intact until arrival in the United States.
(iv) The exporting country's NPPO is responsible for export certification, inspection, and issuance of phytosanitary certificates. Each consignment of tomatoes must be accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate issued by the NPPO and bearing the declaration, ``These tomatoes were grown in an area recognized to be free of Medfly and the consignment has been inspected and found free of the pests listed in the requirements.''
(2) From areas where Medfly is considered to exist:
(i) The tomatoes must be grown in approved registered production sites. Initial approval of the production sites will be completed jointly by the exporting country's NPPO and APHIS. The exporting country's NPPO must visit and inspect the production sites monthly starting 2 months before harvest and continuing through until the end of the shipping season. APHIS may monitor the production sites at any time during this period.
(ii) Tomato production sites must consist of pest-exclusionary greenhouses, which must have double self-closing doors and have all other openings and vents covered with 1.6 mm (or less) screening.
(iii) Registered sites must contain traps for the detection of Medfly both within and around the production site as follows:
(A) Traps with an approved protein bait for Medfly must be placed inside the greenhouses at a density of four traps per hectare, with a minimum of two traps per greenhouse. Traps must be serviced on a weekly basis.
(B) If a single Medfly is detected inside a registered production site or in a consignment, the registered production site will lose its ability to export tomatoes to the United States until APHIS and the exporting country's NPPO mutually determine that risk mitigation is achieved.
(C) Medfly traps with an approved lure must be placed inside a buffer area 500 meters wide around the registered production site, at a density of 1 trap per 10 hectares and a minimum of 10 traps. These traps must be checked at least every 7 days. At least one of these traps must be near the greenhouse. Traps must be set for at least 2 months before export and trapping must continue to the end of the harvest.
(D) Capture of 0.7 or more Medflies per trap per week will delay or suspend the harvest, depending on whether harvest has begun, for consignments of tomatoes from that production site until APHIS and the exporting country's NPPO can agree that the pest risk has been mitigated.
(E) The greenhouse must be inspected prior to harvest for pea leafminer, tomato fruit borer, and potato spindle tuber viroid. If any of these pests, or other quarantine pests, are found to be generally infesting the greenhouse, exports from that production site will be halted until the exporting country's NPPO and APHIS determine that the pest risk has been mitigated.
(iv) The exporting country's NPPO must maintain records of trap placement, checking of traps, and any Medfly captures in addition to production site and packinghouse inspection records. The exporting country's NPPO must maintain an APHIS-approved quality control program to monitor or audit the trapping program. The trapping records must be maintained for APHIS's review.
(v) The tomatoes must be packed within 24 hours of harvest in a pest-exclusionary packinghouse. The tomatoes must be safeguarded by an insect-proof mesh screen or plastic tarpaulin while in transit to the packinghouse and while awaiting packing. The tomatoes must be packed in insect-proof cartons or containers, or covered with insect-proof mesh or plastic tarpaulin, for transit into the United States. These safeguards must remain intact until arrival in the United States or the consignment will be denied entry into the United States.
(vi) During the time the packinghouse is in use for exporting tomatoes to the United States, the packinghouse may only accept tomatoes from registered approved production sites.
(vii) The exporting country's NPPO is responsible for export certification, inspection, and issuance of phytosanitary certificates. Each consignment of tomatoes must be accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate issued by the NPPO and bearing the declaration, ``These tomatoes were grown in an approved production site and the consignment has been inspected and found free of the pests listed in the requirements.'' The shipping box must be labeled with the identity of the production site.
(g) Tomatoes (fruit) (Solanum lycopersicum) from the Souss-Massa-Draa region of Morocco. Pink tomatoes may be imported into the United States from the region of Souss-Massa-Draa in Morocco only in accordance with this section and other applicable provisions of this subpart.\8\---------------------------------------------------------------------------
\8\ See footnote 5 to paragraph (a) of this section.---------------------------------------------------------------------------
(1) The tomatoes must be grown in approved production sites within the region of Souss-Massa-Draa in Morocco in pest-exclusionary structures registered with, and inspected by, the national plant protection organization (NPPO). Production sites will be approved jointly by the NPPO of Morocco and APHIS. The NPPO of Morocco will visit and inspect the production sites starting 2 months before harvest and continuing until the end of the shipping season. APHIS may monitor the production sites at any time during this period;
(2) The tomatoes may be shipped from the Souss-Massa-Draa region of Morocco only between December 1 and April 30, inclusive;
(3) Beginning 2 months prior to the start of the shipping season and continuing through the end of the shipping season, the NPPO of Morocco must set and maintain Mediterranean fruit fly (Medfly) traps baited with trimedlure, or other approved protein bait, inside the pest-exclusionary structures at a rate of 8 traps per hectare, with a minimum of 4 traps per pest-exclusionary structure. Traps must also be placed outside registered pest-exclusionary structures within a 2-kilometer radius at a rate of 4 traps per square kilometer. All traps must be checked every 7 days;
(4) The NPPO of Morocco must maintain records of trap placement, trap maintenance, and any Medfly captures, and make the records available to APHIS upon request. The NPPO of Morocco must maintain an APHIS-approved quality control program to monitor or audit the trapping program. The trapping records must be maintained for 1 year for APHIS review;
(5) Capture of a single Medfly in a registered pest-exclusionary structure during the 2 months prior to export and continuing through the duration of the harvest, or detection of a Medfly in a consignment that is traced back to a registered pest-exclusionary structure, will immediately result in cancellation of exports from that pest-exclusionary structure until the source of the infestation is determined, the Medfly infestation has been eradicated, and measures are taken to preclude any future infestation. Exports will not be reinstated until APHIS and the NPPO of Morocco mutually determine that risk mitigation has been achieved. Capture of a single Medfly within 200 meters of a registered pest-exclusionary structure will necessitate increasing trap density in order to determine whether there is a reproducing population in the area. Six additional traps must be placed within a radius of 200 meters surrounding the trap where the Medfly was captured. Capture of two Medflies within 200 meters of a registered pest-exclusionary structure and within a 1-month time period will necessitate Malathion bait sprays in the area every 7 to 10 days for 60 days to ensure eradication;
(6) No Medfly host material is permitted within 50 meters of the entry door of the pest-exclusionary structure or the packinghouse;
(7) The tomatoes must be packed within 24 hours of harvest and must be pink at the time of packing. They must be safeguarded by an insect-proof mesh screen or plastic tarpaulin while in transit to the packinghouse and while awaiting packing. They must be packed in insect-proof cartons or containers, or covered by insect-proof mesh or plastic tarpaulin for transit to the airport or ship and export to the United States. These safeguards must be intact upon arrival in the United States. Sea containers must be kept closed if stored within 20 meters of Medfly host materials prior to loading;
(8) During the time the packinghouse is in use for exporting fruit to the United States, the packinghouse may only accept fruit from registered approved production sites; and
(9) The national plant protection organization (NPPO) of Morocco is responsible for export certification inspection and issuance of phytosanitary certificates. Each consignment of tomatoes must be accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate issued by the NPPO of Morocco and bearing the declaration, ``These tomatoes were grown in registered pest-exclusionary structures in Souss-Massa-Draa Region, Morocco, and were pink at the time of packing.''
(h) Tomatoes (fruit) (Solanum lycopersicum) from member States of the Economic Community of West African States. Fresh tomatoes may be imported into the continental United States from member States of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) only in accordance with this section and other applicable provisions of this subpart. The ECOWAS consists of Benin, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, and Togo Republic. These conditions are designed to prevent the introduction of the following quarantine pests: Bactrocera cucurbitae, B. invadens, Ceratitis capitata, C. rosa, Chrysodeixis chalcites, Helicoverpa armigera, H. assulta, Leucinodes orbonalis, Maconellicoccus hirsutus, and Nipaecoccus viridis.
(1) Production site requirements. (i) Production sites in which the tomatoes are produced must be registered with the national plant protection organization (NPPO) of the exporting country. Initial approval of production sites must be completed jointly by the NPPO of the exporting country and APHIS.
(i) Production sites in which the tomatoes are produced must be registered with the national plant protection organization (NPPO) of the exporting country. Initial approval of production sites must be completed jointly by the NPPO of the exporting country and APHIS.
(ii) The NPPO of the exporting country must visit and inspect the production sites monthly, beginning 2 months before the harvest and continuing through the end of the shipping season. APHIS may monitor the production sites if necessary.
(iii) Production sites must be pest-exclusionary structures (PES). The PES must have self-closing double doors. All openings, including vents, to the outside of the PES must be covered by screening with mesh openings of not more than 1.6 mm.
(iv) No shade trees may be grown within 10 meters of the entry door of the PES, and no other fruit fly host plants may be grown within 50 meters of the entry door of the PES.
(2) Mitigation measures for fruit flies. (i) Beginning 2 months prior to the start of the shipping season and continuing through the end of the harvest, the NPPO of the exporting country must set and maintain fruit fly traps with an APHIS-approved protein bait inside each PES at a rate of eight traps per hectare, with a minimum of four traps in each PES, and check the traps every 7 days. The NPPO of the exporting country must maintain records of trap placement, trap maintenance, and captures of any fruit flies of concern. The NPPO must maintain trapping records for 1 year, and make the records available to APHIS upon request.
(i) Beginning 2 months prior to the start of the shipping season and continuing through the end of the harvest, the NPPO of the exporting country must set and maintain fruit fly traps with an APHIS-approved protein bait inside each PES at a rate of eight traps per hectare, with a minimum of four traps in each PES, and check the traps every 7 days. The NPPO of the exporting country must maintain records of trap placement, trap maintenance, and captures of any fruit flies of concern. The NPPO must maintain trapping records for 1 year, and make the records available to APHIS upon request.
(ii) Capture of a single fruit fly of concern inside a PES will immediately result in cancellation of exports to the United States from that PES. The detection of a fruit fly of concern in a consignment at the port of entry that is traced back to a PES will also result in immediate cancellation of exports to the United States from that PES. In both cases, exports from the PES in question may not resume until APHIS and the NPPO of the exporting country have mutually determined that the risk has been properly mitigated.
(3) Harvesting requirements. The stem and calyx must be removed from the tomato.
(4) Packinghouse requirements. (i) While in use for exporting tomatoes to the United States, the packinghouses may only accept fruit from registered production sites.
(i) While in use for exporting tomatoes to the United States, the packinghouses may only accept fruit from registered production sites.
(ii) No shade trees may be grown within 10 meters of the entry door of the packinghouses, and no other fruit fly host plants may be grown within 50 meters of the entry door of the packinghouses.
(5) Post-harvest procedures. (i) The tomatoes must be safeguarded by an insect-proof mesh screen or plastic tarpaulin while in transit to the packinghouse and while awaiting packing.
(i) The tomatoes must be safeguarded by an insect-proof mesh screen or plastic tarpaulin while in transit to the packinghouse and while awaiting packing.
(ii) Tomatoes must be packed within 24 hours of harvest in insect-proof cartons or containers, or covered with insect-proof mesh or a plastic tarpaulin for transport to the United States. These safeguards must remain intact until arrival in the United States or the consignment will be denied entry into the United States.
(iii) If transported by sea, the containers in which the tomatoes are packed must be kept closed if stored within 20 meters of a fruit fly host prior to being loaded on the vessel.
(6) Commercial consignments. The tomatoes may be imported in commercial consignments only.
(7) Phytosanitary certificate. Each consignment of tomatoes must be accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate issued by the NPPO of the exporting country, providing an additional declaration ``These tomatoes were grown in registered production sites in [name of country] and the consignment has been inspected and found free of quarantine pests.'' (Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control numbers 0579-0049, 0579-0131, 0579-0316, 0579-0286, and 0579-0345, 0579-0381) [24 FR 10788, Dec. 29, 1959, as amended at 74 FR 56526, Nov. 2, 2009; 75 FR 28187, May 20, 2010; 77 FR 34783, June 12, 2012]