Mangoes (fruit) (Mangifera indica) may be imported into the United States from the Philippines only in accordance with this section and other applicable provisions of this subpart.
(a) Limitation of origin. The mangoes must have been grown in an area that the Administrator has determined to be free of mango seed weevil (Sternochetus mangiferae) and mango pulp weevil (Sternochetus frigidus) in accordance with Sec. 319.56-5 or be treated for mango seed weevil and mango pulp weevil in accordance with the requirements in paragraph (b) of this section. Mangoes from areas of the Philippines that are not free of mango seed weevil or that are not treated for mango seed weevil are eligible for importation into Hawaii and Guam only.
(b) Treatment. The mangoes must be treated for fruit flies of the genus Bactrocera in accordance with part 305 of this chapter. Mangoes from areas that are not considered to be free of mango pulp weevil in accordance with Sec. 319.56-5 must be treated for that pest in accordance with part 305 of this chapter. Mangoes from areas that are not considered to be free of mango seed weevil in accordance with Sec. 319.56-5 must be treated for that pest in accordance with part 305 of this chapter or they are eligible for importation into Hawaii and Guam only.
(c) Inspection. Mangoes from the Philippines are subject to inspection under the direction of an inspector, either in the Philippines or at the port of first arrival in the United States. Mangoes inspected in the Philippines are subject to reinspection at the port of first arrival in the United States as provided in Sec. 319.56-3.
(d) Labeling. Each box of mangoes must be clearly labeled in accordance with Sec. 319.56-5(e)(1). Consignments originating from areas that do not meet the requirements in paragraph (a) of this section for freedom from or treatment for mango seed weevil must be labeled ``For distribution in Guam and Hawaii only.''
(e) Phytosanitary certificate. Mangoes originating from all approved areas must be accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate issued by the Republic of the Philippines Department of Agriculture that contains an additional declaration stating that the mangoes have been treated for fruit flies of the genus Bactrocera in accordance with paragraph (b) of this section either in the Philippines or at the port of first arrival within the United States. Phytosanitary certificates accompanying consignments of mangoes originating from pest-free mango growing areas within the Philippines must also contain an additional declaration stating that the mangoes were grown in an area that the Administrator has determined to be free of mango seed weevil and mango pulp weevil or have been treated in accordance with paragraph (b) of this section.
(f) Trust fund agreement. Mangoes that are treated or inspected in the Philippines may be imported into the United States only if the Republic of the Philippines Department of Agriculture has entered into a trust fund agreement with APHIS in accordance with Sec. 319.56-6. (Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control numbers 0579-0172 and 0579-0316) [75 FR 17292, Apr. 6, 2010, as amended at 79 FR 59089, Oct. 1, 2014]