Fresh fruit of highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) and its hybrid varieties southern highbush blueberry [V. corymbosum x angustifolium (V. x atlanticum) and V. corymbosum x virgatum] may be imported into the continental United States from Morocco only under the conditions described in this section. These conditions are designed to prevent the introduction of the following quarantine pests: Ceratitis capitata, the Mediterranean fruit fly, and the fungus Monilinia fructigena Honey ex Whetzel.
(a) The blueberries may be imported in commercial consignments only.
(b) The blueberries must be grown at places of production that are registered with the national plant protection organization (NPPO) of Morocco.
(c) During the growing season, blueberries must be inspected in the field by the NPPO of Morocco for signs of M. fructigena infestation 30 days prior to harvest. If the fungal disease is detected, the NPPO of Morocco must notify APHIS. APHIS will prohibit the importation of blueberries from Morocco into the continental United States from the place of production for the remainder of the growing season. The exportation of blueberries from the rejected place of production may not resume until APHIS and the NPPO of Morocco agree that appropriate remedial actions have been taken.
(d) Each consignment of blueberries must be treated in accordance with 7 CFR part 305 for C. capitata.
(e) Each consignment of blueberries must be accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate issued by the NPPO of Morocco with an additional declaration stating that the conditions of this section have been met, and that the consignment has been inspected prior to export from Morocco and found free of M. fructigena. (Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 0579-0421) [79 FR 44119, July 30, 2014]