(a) Definition. Pre-formed and molded materials that are used to hold package contents in place during shipping or for insulating and sound proofing applications.
(b) Minimum biobased content. The Federal preferred procurement product must have a minimum biobased content of at least 74 percent, which shall be based on the amount of qualifying biobased carbon in the product as a percent of the weight (mass) of the total organic carbon in the finished product.
(c) Preference compliance date. No later than April 4, 2013, procuring agencies, in accordance with this part, will give a procurement preference for qualifying biobased packing and insulating materials. By that date, Federal agencies that have the responsibility for drafting or reviewing specifications for products to be procured shall ensure that the relevant specifications require the use of biobased packing and insulating materials. [77 FR 20289, Apr. 4, 2012]