(a) Groups of organisms which are or contain plant pests. The organisms that are or contain plant pests are included in the taxa or group of organisms contained in the following list. Within any taxonomic series included on the list, the lowest unit of classification actually listed is the taxon or group which may contain organisms which are regulated. Organisms belonging to all lower taxa contained within the group listed are included as organisms that may be or may contain plant pests, and are regulated if they meet the definition of plant pest in Sec. 340.1 \4\---------------------------------------------------------------------------
\4\ Any organism belonging to any taxa contained within any listed genera or taxa is only considered to be a plant pest if the organism ``can directly or indirectly injure, or cause disease, or damage in any plants or parts thereof, or any processed, manufactured, or other products of plants.'' Thus a particular unlisted species within a listed genus would be deemed a plant pest for purposes of Sec. 340.2, if the scientific literature refers to the organism as a cause of direct or indirect injury, disease, or damage to any plants, plant parts or products of plants. (If there is any question concerning the plant pest status of an organism belonging to any listed genera or taxa, the person proposing to introduce the organism in question should consult with APHIS to determine if the organism is subject to regulation.)
Note: Any genetically engineered organism composed of DNA or RNA sequences, organelles, plasmids, parts, copies, and/or analogs, of or from any of the groups of organisms listed below shall be deemed a regulated article if it also meets the definition of plant pest in Sec. 340.1.
Superkingdom Prokaryotae
Kingdom Virus All members of groups containing plant viruses, and all other plant and
insect viruses
Kingdom Monera
Division Bacteria Family Pseudomonadaceae
Genus Pseudomonas
Genus XanthomonasFamily Rhizobiaceae
Genus Rhizobium
Genus Bradyrhizobium
Genus Agrobacterium
Genus PhyllobacteriumFamily Enterobacteriaceae
Genus ErwiniaFamily Streptomycetaceae
Genus StreptomycesFamily Actinomycetacease
Genus Actinomyces
Coryneform group
Genus Clavibacter
Genus Arthrobacter
Genus Curtobacterium
Genus Corynebacteria Gram-negative phloem-limited bacteria associated with plant diseasesGram-negative xylem-limited bacteria associated with plant diseasesAnd all other bacteria associated with plant or insect diseasesRickettsiaceae
Rickettgial-like organisms associated with insect diseases
Class Mollicutes Order MycoplasmatalesFamily Spiroplasmataceae
Genus SpiroplasmaMycoplasma-like organisms associated with plant diseasesMycoplasma-like organisms associated with insect diseases
Superkingdom Eukaryotae
Kingdom Plantae
Subkingdom Thallobionta
Division Chlorophyta
Genus Cephaleuros
Genus Rhodochytrium
Genus Phyllosiphon
Division Myxomycota Class Plasmodiophoromycetes
Division Eumycota
Class Chytridiomycetes Order Chytridiales
Class Oomycetes Order LagenidialesFamily LagenidiaceaeFamily OlpidiopsidaceaeOrder PeronosporalesFamily AlbuginaceaeFamily PeronosporaceaeFamily PythiaceaeOrder SaprolegnialesFamily SaprolegniaceaeFamily Leptolegniellaceae
Class Zygomycetes Order MucoralesFamily ChoanephoraceaeFamily MucoraceaeFamily Entomophthoraceae
Class Hemiascomycetes Family ProtomycetaceaeFamily Taphrinaceae
Class Loculoascomycetes Order MyriangialesFamily ElsinoeaceaeFamily MyriangiaceaeOrder AsterinalesOrder DothidealesOrder ChaetothyrialesOrder HysterialesFamily ParmulariaceaeFamily PhillipsiellaceaeFamily HysteriaceaeOrder PleosporalesOrder Melanommatales
Class Plectomycetes Order EurotialesFamily OphiostomataceaeOrder Ascophaerales
Class Pyrenomycetes Order ErysiphalesOrder MeliolalesOrder XylarialesOrder DiaporthalesOrder HypocrealesOrder Clavicipitales
Class Discomycetes Order PhacidialesOrder HelotialesFamily AscocorticiceaeFamily HemiphacidiaceaeFamily DermataceaeFamily SclerotiniaceaeOrder CytarrialesOrder MedeolarialesOrder PezzialesFamily SarcosomataceaeFamily Sarcoscyphaceae
Class Teliomycetes
Class Phragmobasidiomycetes Family AuriculariaceaeFamily Ceratobasidiaceae
Class Hymenomycetes Order ExobasidialesOrder AgaricalesFamily CorticiaceaeFamily HymenochaetaceaeFamily EchinodontiaceaeFamily FistulinaceaeFamily ClavariaceaeFamily PolyporaceaeFamily Tricholomataceae
Class Hyphomycetes
Class Coelomycetes And all other fungi associated with plant or insect diseases
Subkingdom Embryobionta
Note: Organisms listed in the Code of Federal Regulations as noxious weeds are regulated under the Federal Noxious Weed Act
Division Magnoliophyta Family Balanophoraceae--parasitic species Family Cuscutaceae--parasitic speciesFamily Hydnoraceae--parasitic speciesFamily Krameriaceae--parasitic speciesFamily Lauraceae--parasitic species
Genus CassythaFamily Lennoaceae--parasitic speciesFamily Loranthaceae--parasitic speciesFamily Myzodendraceae--parasitic speciesFamily Olacaceae--parasitic speciesFamily Orobanchaceae--parasitic speciesFamily Rafflesiaceae--parasitic speciesFamily Santalaceae--parasitic speciesFamily Scrophulariaceae--parasitic species
Genus Alectra
Genus Bartsia
Genus Buchnera
Genus Buttonia
Genus Castilleja
Genus Centranthera
Genus Cordylanthus
Genus Dasistoma
Genus Euphrasia
Genus Gerardia
Genus Harveya
Genus Hyobanche
Genus Lathraea
Genus Melampyrum
Genus Melasma
Genus Orthantha
Genus Orthocarpus
Genus Pedicularis
Genus Rhamphicarpa
Genus Rhinanthus
Genus Schwalbea
Genus Seymeria
Genus Siphonostegia
Genus Sopubia
Genus Striga
Genus TozziaFamily Viscaceae--parasitic species
Kingdom Animalia
Subkingdom Protozoa
Genus Phytomonas
And all Protozoa associated with insect diseases
Subkingdom Eumetazoa
Phylum Nemata
Class Secernentea Order TylenchidaFamily AnguinidaeFamily BelonolaimidaeFamily CaloosiidaeFamily CriconematidaeFamily DolichodoridaeFamily FergusobiidaeFamily HemicycliophoridaeFamily HeteroderidaeFamily HoplolaimidaeFamily MeloidogynidaeFamily NacobbidaeFamily NeotylenchidaeFamily NothotylenchidaeFamily ParatylenchidaeFamily PratylenchidaeFamily TylenchidaeFamily TylenchulidaeOrder AphelenchidaFamily Aphelenchoididae
Class Adenophorea Order DorylaimidaFamily LongidoridaeFamily Trichodoridae
Phylum Mollusca
Class Gastropoda Subclass PulmonataOrder Basommatophora
Superfamily PlanorbaceaOrder Stylommatophora
Subfamily StrophocheilaceaFamily Succineidae
Superfamily Achatinacae
Superfamily Arionacae
Superfamily Limacacea
Superfamily HelicaceaOrder Systellommatophora
Superfamily Veronicellacea
Phylum Arthropoda
Class Arachnida Order Parasitiformes
Suborder Mesostigmata
Superfamily Ascoidea
Superfamily DermanyssoideaOrder Acariformes
Suborder Prostigmata
Superfamily Eriophyoidea
Superfamily Tetranychoidea
Superfamily Eupodoidea
Superfamily Tydeoidea
Superfamily Erythraenoidea
Superfamily Trombidioidea
Superfamily Hydryphantoidea
Superfamily Tarsonemoidea
Superfamily PyemotoideaSuborder Astigmata
Superfamily Hemisarcoptoidea
Superfamily Acaroidea
Class Diplopoda Order Polydesmida
Class Insecta Order CollembolaFamily SminthoridaeOrder IsopteraOrder ThysanopteraOrder OrthopteraFamily AcrididaeFamily GryllidaeFamily GryllacrididaeFamily GryllotalpidaeFamily PhasmatidaeFamily RonaleidaeFamily Tettigoniidae Family TetrigidaeOrder HemipteraFamily ThaumastocoridaeFamily Aradidae
Superfamily Piesmatoidea
Superfamily Lygaeoidea
Superfamily Idiostoloidea
Superfamily Coreoidea
Superfamily Pentatomoidea
Superfamily Pyrrhocoroidea
Superfamily Tingoidea
Superfamily MiroideaOrder HomopteraOrder ColeopteraFamily AnobiidaeFamily ApionidaeFamily AnthribidaeFamily BostrichidaeFamily BrentidaeFamily BruchidaeFamily BuprestidaeFamily ByturidaeFamily CantharidaeFamily CarabidaeFamily CerambycidaeFamily ChrysomelidaeFamily Coccinellidae
Subfamily EpilachninaeFamily CurculionidaeFamily DermestidaeFamily ElateridaeFamily Hydrophilidae
Genus HelophorusFamily LyctidaeFamily MeloidaeFamily MordellidaeFamily PlatypodidaeFamily Scarabaeidae
Subfamily Melolonthinae
Subfamily Rutelinae
Subfamily Cetoniinae
Subfamily DynastinaeFamily ScolytidaeFamily SelbytidaeFamily TenebrionidaeOrder LepidopteraOrder DipteraFamily AgromyzidaeFamily AnthomyiidaeFamily CecidomyiidaeFamily ChloropidaeFamily EphydridaeFamily LonchaeidaeFamily Muscidae
Genus AtherigonaFamily Otitidae
Genus EuxetaFamily SyrphidaeFamily TephritidaeFamily TipulidaeOrder HymenopteraFamily ApidaeFamily CaphidaeFamily ChalcidaeFamily CynipidaeFamily EurytomidaeFamily FormicidaeFamily PsilidaeFamily SiricidaeFamily TenthredinidaeFamily TorymidaeFamily Xylocopidae
Unclassified organisms and/or organisms whose classification is unknown.
(b) Exemptions. (1) A limited permit for interstate movement shall not be required for genetic material from any plant pest contained in Escherichia coli genotype K-12 (strain K-12 and its derivatives), sterile strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, or asporogenic strains of Bacillus subtilis, provided that all the following conditions are met:
(1) A limited permit for interstate movement shall not be required for genetic material from any plant pest contained in Escherichia coli genotype K-12 (strain K-12 and its derivatives), sterile strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, or asporogenic strains of Bacillus subtilis, provided that all the following conditions are met:
(i) The microorganisms are shipped in a container that meets the requirements of Sec. 340.8(b)(3);
(ii) The cloned genetic material is maintained on a nonconjugation proficient plasmid and the host does not contain other conjugation proficient plasmids or generalized transducing phages;
(iii) The cloned material does not include the complete infectious genome of a known plant pest;
(iv) The cloned genes are not carried on an expression vector if the cloned genes code for:
(A) A toxin to plants or plant products, or a toxin to organisms beneficial to plants; or
(B) Other factors directly involved in eliciting plant disease (i.e., cell wall degrading enzymes); or
(C) Substances acting as, or inhibitory to, plant growth regulators.
(2) A limited permit for interstate movement is not required for genetic material from any plant pest contained in the genome of the plant Arabiodopsis thaliana, provided that all of the following conditions are met:
(i) The plants or plant materials are shipped in a container that meets the requirements of Sec. 340.8(b) (1), (2), and (3);
(ii) The cloned genetic material is stably integrated into the plant genome;
(iii) The cloned material does not include the complete infectious genome of a known plant pest. [52 FR 22908, June 16, 1987, as amended at 53 FR 12913, Apr. 20, 1988; 55 FR 53276, Dec. 28, 1990; 58 FR 17056, Mar. 31, 1993]