(a) Application submissions. All persons applying for RHS loans must file a complete written application in a format specified by RHS. Applications will be accepted even when funds are not available.
(b) Application processing. (1) Incomplete applications will be returned to the applicant specifying in writing the additional information that is needed to make the application complete.
(1) Incomplete applications will be returned to the applicant specifying in writing the additional information that is needed to make the application complete.
(2) An applicant may voluntarily withdraw an application at any time.
(3) RHS may periodically request in writing that applicants reconfirm their interest in obtaining a loan. RHS may withdraw the application of any applicant who does not respond within the specified timeframe.
(4) Applicants who are eligible will be notified in writing. If additional information becomes available that indicates that the original eligibility determination may have been incorrect, or that circumstances have changed, RHS may reconsider the application and the applicant may be required to submit additional information.
(5) Applicants who are ineligible will be notified in writing and provided with the specific reasons for the rejection.
(c) Selection for processing. When funding is not sufficient to serve all program-eligible applicants, applications will be selected for processing using the funding priorities specified in this paragraph. Within priority categories, applications will be processed in the order that the completed applications are received. In the case of applications with equivalent priority status that are received on the same day, preference will be extended to applicants qualifying for a veterans preference. After selection for processing, loans are funded on a first-come, first-served basis.
(1) First priority will be given to existing customers who request subsequent loans to correct health and safety hazards.
(2) Second priority will be given to loans related to the sale of an REO property or the transfer of an exisiting RHS financed property.
(3) Third priority will be given to applicants facing housing related hardships including applicants who have been living in deficient housing for more than 6 months, current homeowners in danger of losing a property through foreclosure, and other circumstances determined by RHS on a case-by-case basis to constitute a hardship.
(4) Fourth priority will be given to applicants seeking, loans for the construction of dwellings in an RHS-approved Mutual Self-Help project or loans that will leverage funding or financing from other sources.
(5) Applications from applicants who do not qualify for priority consideration in paragraphs (c)(1), (c)(2), (c)(3), or (c)(4) of this section will be selected for processing after all applications with priority status have been processed.
(d) Applicant timeframe. RHS will specify a reasonable timeframe within which eligible applicants selected for processing must provide the information needed to underwrite the loan.