Lenders may pay the following expenses necessary to protect the security property and charge the cost against the borrower's account.
(a) Advances for taxes and insurance. Without prior Agency concurrence, lenders may advance funds to pay past due real estate taxes, hazard and flood insurance premiums, and other related costs.
(b) Advances for costs other than taxes and insurance. Protective advances for costs other than taxes and insurance, such as emergency repairs, can be made only if the borrower cannot, or will not, obtain an additional loan or reimbursement from an insurer or the borrower has abandoned the property. The lender must determine that any repairs funded by protective advances are cost effective. Repairs funded by protective advances must be planned, performed and inspected in accordance with Sec. 3555.202 and as further described by the Agency. The lender must obtain prior Agency concurrence or a waiver of concurrence as provided for in Sec. 3555.301(h) before issuing protective advances under this paragraph only for protective advances of a significant amount as specified by the Agency.