As a condition of receiving a loan guarantee, the Agency will charge the following guarantee fees to the lender.
(a) Initial guarantee fee. The Agency will charge an initial guarantee fee equal to one percent of the guarantee amount. For purposes of calculating this fee, the guarantee amount is the product of the percentage of the guarantee times the initial principal amount of the guaranteed loan.
(b) Annual guarantee fee. An annual guarantee fee of at least 50 basis points (one-half percent) of the outstanding principal amount of the loan will be charged each year or portion of a year that the guarantee is in effect. This fee will be collected on February 28, of each calendar year.
(c) Surcharge for guarantees on construction advances. The Agency may, at its sole discretion, charge an additional fee on the portion of the loan advanced during construction. This fee will be charged in advance at the start of construction and will be announced in NOFA before loan approval. [63 FR 39458, July 22, 1998, as amended at 64 FR 32372, June 16, 1999; 73 FR 11812, Mar. 5, 2008]