The lender may retain all of the guaranteed loan. The lender must not sell or participate any amount of the guaranteed or non-guaranteed portion of the loan to the borrower or to members of the borrower's immediate families, the borrower's officers, directors, stockholders, other owners, or a subsidiary or affiliate. Disposition of the guaranteed portion of a loan may not be made prior to full disbursement, completion of construction, and acquisition of real estate and equipment without the prior written approval of the Agency. If the lender desires to market all or part of the guaranteed portion of the loan at, or subsequent to, loan closing, the loan must not be in default.
(a) Assignment. Any sale or assignment by the lender of the guaranteed portion of the loan must be accomplished in accordance with the conditions in the Lender's Agreement.
(b) Participation. The lender may obtain participation in the loan under its normal operating procedures.
(c) Minimum retention. The lender is required to hold in its own portfolio or retain a minimum of 5 percent of the total loan amount. This amount must be of the non-guaranteed portion of the loan and cannot be participated to another. The lender may sell the remaining amount of the non-guaranteed portion of the loan only through participation. Sec. Sec. 3575.66-3575.68 [Reserved]