A person may petition the Administrator to remove a taxon from the noxious weeds lists in Sec. 360.200. Details of the petitioning process for removing a taxon from the lists are available at http://www.aphis.usda.gov/plant_health/plant_pest_info/weeds/downloads/delistingguide.pdf. Persons who submit a petition to remove a taxon from the noxious weed lists would be required to provide their name, address, telephone number, and (if available) e-mail address. Persons who submit a petition to remove a taxon from the noxious weed lists are encouraged to provide the following information, which can help speed up the review process and help APHIS determine whether the specified plant taxon should not be listed as a noxious weed:
(a) Evidence that the species is distributed throughout its potential range or has spread too far to implement effective control.
(b) Evidence that control efforts have been unsuccessful and further efforts are unlikely to succeed.
(c) For cultivars of a listed noxious weed, scientific evidence that the cultivar has a combination of risk elements that result in a low pest risk. For example, the cultivar may have a narrow habitat suitability, low dispersal potential, evidence of sterility, inability to cross-pollinate with introduced wild types, or few if any potential negative impacts on the economy or environment of the United States.
(d) List of references. [75 FR 68955, Nov. 10, 2010]