Code of Federal Regulations (alpha)

CFR /  Title 7  /  Part 400  /  Sec. 400.701 Definitions.

Act. The Federal Crop Insurance Act, as amended (7 U.S.C. 1501 et seq.)

Actuarial documents. The material for the crop or insurance year which is available for public inspection in your agent's office and published on RMA's website at, or a successor website, and which shows available coverage levels, information needed to determine premium rates, premium adjustment percentages, practices, particular types or varieties of the insurable crop or agricultural commodity, insurable acreage or commodities, and other related information regarding crop insurance or other risk management plans of insurance in the county or state.

Actuarially appropriate. Premium rates expected to cover anticipated losses and a reasonable reserve based on valid reasoning, an examination of available risk data, which for new products may be scarce but must still be of sufficient quality and quantity to reasonably determine the anticipated losses, or thorough knowledge or experience of the expected value of future costs associated with the risk to be transferred.

Administrative and Operating (A&O;) subsidy. The subsidy for the administrative and operating expenses authorized by the Act and paid by FCIC on behalf of the producer to the approved insurance provider. Loss adjustment expense reimbursement paid by FCIC for CAT eligible crop insurance contracts, and any ceding commission received for ceding any portion of the risk associated with any eligible crop insurance contract authorized under the authority of the Act with a reinsurer are not considered as A&O; subsidy.

Applicant. Any person or entity that submits a policy, plan of insurance, provisions of a policy or plan of insurance, or rates of premium to the Board for approval under section 508(h) of the Act.

Approved insurance provider. A private insurance company that has been approved by FCIC to provide insurance coverage to producers participating in programs authorized by the Act.

Board. The Board of Directors of FCIC.

Complete submission. A submission determined by the Board to contain all necessary and appropriate documentation in accordance with Sec. 400.705 and is of sufficient quality to conduct a meaningful review.

Complexity. Complexity takes into consideration such factors as originality, the number and type of factual determinations necessary to establish insurable interest, evaluate risk, and determine whether an indemnity is payable, the number of commodities and areas to which the product is applicable, the rating methodology, the number of risks covered, unique policy provisions or endorsements, the delivery process of the submission, and the process of creating rules, policy terms and conditions, underwriting procedures, rating methodologies, administrative and operating procedures, and supporting materials.

Development. The process of drafting rules, new policy provisions, pricing and rating methodologies, administrative and operating procedures, systems and software, supporting materials, and documentation necessary to create and implement a proposed policy or coverage.

Disinterested third party. A person who does not have any familial relationship (parents, brothers, sisters, children, spouse, grandchildren, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, first cousins, or grandparents, related by blood, adoption or marriage, are considered to have a familial relationship) with anyone employed or contracted by the applicant or who will not benefit financially from the approval of the submission.

Endorsement. A document that amends a policy reinsured under the Act in a manner that supplements or amends the insurance coverage provided by that policy.

FCIC. The Federal Crop Insurance Corporation, a wholly owned government corporation within USDA.

Maintenance. For the purposes of this subpart only, the process of continual support and improvement, as needed, for a policy or plan of insurance, including the periodic review of setting prices, updating premium rates or the rating methodology, updating or modifying policy terms and conditions, and any other actions necessary to provide adequate and meaningful protection for producers, ensure actuarial soundness, or to respond to statutory or regulatory changes.

Maintenance costs. Specific expenses associated with the maintenance of a policy during the maintenance period.

Maintenance period. A period of time that begins on the date the Board approves the submission for maintenance and ends on the date that is not more than four reinsurance years after such approval.

Manager. The Manager of FCIC.

Marketable. A determination by the Board that a sufficient number of producers will purchase the product and approved insurance providers will sell the product to make it economical, based on credible evidence provided by the applicant and any other relevant information.

Marketing plan. A detailed, written plan that identifies, at a minimum, the expected number of potential buyers, premium, liability, a prescribed insurance year cycle, the data upon which such information is based, such data may include, but is not limited to, focus group results, market research studies, qualitative market estimates, effects upon the delivery system or ancillary participants, correspondence from producers expressing the need for such policy or plan of insurance, responses from a reasonable representative cross-section of producers to be effected by the policy or plan of insurance demonstrating the number of producers likely interested in purchasing the product, and a commitment from at least one approved insurance provider to sell and support such a policy or plan of insurance.

Multiple peril crop insurance (MPCI). All insurance policies reinsured by FCIC that offers coverage for loss of production, loss of revenue, or both.

National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS). An agency of the United States Department of Agriculture, or a successor agency.

Nonreinsured supplemental policy (NRS). A policy, endorsement or other risk management tool that is not reinsured under the Act, or has not been submitted to FCIC under section 508(h) of the Act, that offers additional coverage, other than loss related to hail, to a policy or plan of insurance that is reinsured by FCIC.

Non-significant changes. Minor changes to the policy or plan of insurance, such as technical corrections, that do not affect the rating or pricing methodologies, the amount of subsidy owed, the amount or type of coverage, the interests of producers, FCIC's reinsurance risk, or any condition that does not affect liability or the amount of loss to be paid under the policy. Statutory or regulatory requirements are included in this category regardless of impact.

Plan of insurance. A class of policies, such as MPCI or Group Risk Plan of Insurance, that offers a specific type of coverage to one or more agricultural commodities.

Policy. A contract for insurance that includes an accepted application, Basic Provisions, applicable Commodity Provisions, other applicable options and endorsements, the Special Provisions, related materials, and the applicable regulations published in 7 CFR chapter IV.

Rate of premium. The dollar amount per insured unit or percentage rate per dollar of liability that is needed to pay anticipated losses and provide a reasonable reserve.

Related material. The actuarial documents for the insured agricultural commodity and any underwriting or loss adjustment manual, handbook, form or other information needed to administer the policy.

Research. For the purposes of development, the gathering of information related to: Producer needs and interests; the marketability of the policy or plan of insurance; the appropriate policy terms, premium rates, price elections, administrative and operating procedures, supporting materials, and the documentation, systems and software necessary to implement a policy or plan of insurance. Gathering of information to determine whether it is feasible to expand a policy or plan of insurance to a new area or to cover a new commodity under the same policy terms and conditions, price, and premium rates is not considered research.

Research and development costs. Specific expenses incurred and directly related to the research and development of a submission, as initially approved by the Board.

Risk Management Agency (RMA). An agency of USDA responsible for the administration of all programs authorized under the Act and other authorities.

Risk subsidy. The portion of the approved premium paid by FCIC on behalf of the insured person.

Sales closing date. The final calendar date on which an approved insurance provider may accept an application by a producer for insurance.

Secretary. The Secretary of the United States Department of Agriculture.

Significant change. Any change to the policy or plan of insurance that may affect the rating and pricing methodologies, the amount of subsidy owed, the amount of coverage, the interests of producers, FCIC's reinsurance risk, or any condition that may affect liability or the amount of loss to be paid under the policy.

Special Provisions. The part of the policy that contains specific provisions of insurance for each insured commodity that may vary by geographic area.

Submission. A policy, plan of insurance, provision of a policy or plan of insurance, or rates of premium provided by an applicant to FCIC in accordance with the requirements of this subpart.

USDA. The United States Department of Agriculture.

User fees. Fees, approved by the Board, that can be charged to approved insurance providers for use of a policy or plan of insurance. [66 FR 47951, Sept. 17, 2001, as amended at 70 FR 41918, July 20, 2005; 70 FR 44235, Aug. 2, 2005; 74 FR 8705, Feb. 26, 2009]