Agency personnel will score each feasibility study application based on the evaluation criteria specified in paragraphs (a) through (f) of this section, with a maximum score of 100 points possible.
(a) Energy replacement or generation. The project can be for either replacement or generation, but not both. A maximum of 25 points can be awarded under this section.
(1) Energy replacement. 25 points will be awarded if proposed project will offset any portion of the applicant's energy needs.
(2) Energy generation. 15 points will be awarded if the proposed renewable energy system is intended primarily for production of energy for sale.
(b) Commitment of funds for the feasibility study. Appropriate documentation must verify commitment of funds. A maximum of 10 points can be awarded under this section.
(1) 10 points--100 percent of matching funds.
(2) 7.5 points--75 percent up to, but not including 100 percent of matching funds.
(3) 5 points--50 percent up to, but not including 75 percent of matching funds.
(4) 0 points--less than 50 percent of matching funds.
(c) Designation as a Small agricultural producer/very small business. An applicant will be considered either an agricultural producer or rural small business. No applicant will be considered as both. Points will only be awarded under either paragraph (c)(1) or (c)(2) of this section. A maximum of 20 points can be awarded under this section.
(1) For an Agricultural Producer:
(i) 10 points will be awarded if the applicant is an agricultural producer producing agricultural products with a gross market value of less than $600,000 in the preceding year, or
(ii) 20 points will be awarded if the applicant is an agricultural producer producing agricultural products with a gross market value of less than $200,000 in the preceding year.
(2) For a Rural Small Business, 20 points will be awarded if the applicant is a very small business, as defined in Sec. 4280.103.
(d) Experience and qualifications of the entity identified to perform the feasibility study. A maximum of 15 points can be awarded under this section.
(1) 15 points will be awarded if the entity has 5 or more years experience in the field of study for the technology being proposed.
(2) 7.5 points will be awarded if the entity has 2 or more years, but less than 5 years, experience in the field of study for the technology field being proposed.
(3) 0 points will be awarded if the entity has less than 2 years experience in the field of study for the technology field being proposed.
(e) Size of feasibility study grant request. A maximum of 20 points can be awarded under this section. If the feasibility study request is:
(1) $10,000 or less, 20 points will be awarded.
(2) Greater than $10,000 up to and including $25,000, 10 points will be awarded.
(3) Greater than $25,000, 0 points will be awarded.
(f) Resources to implement project. Considering the technology being proposed, the applicant may qualify for other local or State programs to assist in the construction or operation of the facility. These programs will benefit the applicant and/or proposed project during or after the facility is constructed and operational. Points can be awarded for both types of assistance, for a maximum of 10 points.
(1) If the applicant has identified local programs, 5 points will be awarded.
(2) If the applicant has identified State programs, 5 points will be awarded.