The Agency will score each Energy Audit and REDA application using the criteria specified in paragraphs (a) through (f) of this section, with a maximum score of 100 points possible.
(a) Applicant's organizational experience in completing the Energy Audit or REDA proposed activity. A maximum of 25 points will be awarded for this criterion based on the experience of the organization in providing energy audits or renewable energy development assistance as applicable to the purpose of the proposed project. The organization must have been in business and provided services for the number of years as identified in the paragraphs below.
(1) More than 10 years of experience, 25 points will be awarded.
(2) At least 5 years and up to and including 10 years of experience, 20 points will be awarded.
(3) At least 2 years and up to and including 5 years of experience, 10 points will be awarded.
(4) Less than 2 years of experience, no points will be awarded.?
(b) Geographic scope of project in relation to identified need. A maximum of 20 points can be awarded.
(1) If the Applicant's proposed or existing service area is State-wide or includes all or parts of multiple States, and the scope of work has identified needs throughout that service area, 20 points will be awarded.
(2) If the Applicant's proposed or existing service area consists of multiple counties in a single State and the scope of work has identified needs throughout that service area, 15 points will be awarded.
(3) If the Applicant's service area consists of a single county or municipality and the scope of work has identified needs throughout that service area, 10 points will be awarded.
(c) Number of Agricultural Producers/Rural Small Businesses to be served. A maximum of 20 points will be awarded for this criterion based on the proposed number of ultimate recipients to be assisted and if the Applicant has provided the names and contact information for the ultimate recipients to be assisted.
(1) If the Applicant plans to provide Energy Audits or REDA to:
(i) Up to 10 ultimate recipients, 2 points will be awarded.
(ii) Between 11 and up to and including 25 ultimate recipients, 5 points will be awarded.
(iii) More than 25 ultimate recipients, 10 points will be awarded.
(2) If the Applicant provides a list of ultimate recipients, including their name and contact information, that are ready to be assisted, an additional 10 points may be awarded.
(d) Potential of project to produce energy savings or generation and its attending environmental benefits. A maximum of 10 points will be awarded for this criterion under both paragraphs (d)(1) and (2) of this section
(1) If the Applicant has an existing program that can demonstrate the achievement of energy savings or energy generation with the Agricultural Producers and/or Rural Small Businesses it has served, 5 points will be awarded.
(2) If the Applicant provides evidence that it has received one or more awards within the last 5 years in recognition of its renewable energy, energy savings, or energy-based technical assistance, up to a maximum of 5 points will be awarded as follows:
(i) International/national--3 points for each.
(ii) Regional/State--2 points for each.
(iii) Local--1 point for each.
(e) Marketing and outreach plan. A maximum of 5 points will be awarded for this criterion. If the scope of work included in the application provides a satisfactory discussion of each of the following criteria, one point for each can be awarded.
(1) The goals of the project;
(2) Identified need;
(3) Targeted ultimate recipients;
(4) Timeline and action plan; and
(5) Marketing and outreach strategies and supporting data for strategies.
(f) Commitment of funds for the total project cost. A maximum of 20 points will be awarded for this criterion if written documentation from each source providing Matching Funds and other funds are submitted with the application.
(1) If the Applicant proposes to match 50 percent or more of the grant funds requested, 20 points will be awarded.
(2) If the Applicant proposes to match 20 percent or more but less than 50 percent of the grant funds requested, 15 points will be awarded.
(3) If the Applicant proposes to match 5 percent or more but less than 20 percent of the grant funds requested, 10 points will be awarded.
(4) If the Applicant proposes to match less than 5 percent of the grant funds requested, no points will be awarded.