Each license shall bear a serial number, the names in which authorized to conduct business, type of ownership, if the business is individually owned, the name of the owner; if a partnership, the names of all general partners; if a limited liability company, the names of all members, managers, officers, directors and holders of more than 10 percent of the ownership stake, and the percentage of ownership in the company held by each such person; if a corporation or association, the names of all officers, directors, and shareholders of more than 10 percent of the outstanding stock and the percentage of stock held by each such person; the facsimile signature of the Deputy Administrator, the seal of the Department and shall be duly countersigned. The licensee may place upon his stationery, trucks, or business sign an inscription indicating that he is licensed under the Act, but such inscription must not be of such form or arrangement as to be deceptive or misleading to the public, nor shall any such inscription be displayed or used unless the person using the inscription has a license valid and effective at the time. [28 FR 7067, July 11, 1963; 28 FR 7287, July 17, 1963, as amended at 65 FR 24854, Apr. 28, 2000]