(a) Under section 3(c) of the Act the license can be suspended if the licensee continues to use a trade name after being notified by the Director that such trade name has been disapproved.
(b) Under section 4(a) of the Act, after October 1, 1962, the license of any individual, corporation or association shall automatically terminate on the date of discharge in bankruptcy and the license of any partnership shall automatically terminate on the date of the discharge in bankruptcy of any of the general partners in the partnership.
(c) Under section 4(c) of the Act if a license is issued under a bond and the bond is terminated for any reason without the approval of the Director, within four years from the date of the issuance of the license, the license shall be automatically cancelled as of the date of termination and no new license shall be issued to such person during the four-year period without a new surety bond covering the remainder of such period. Also, if the Director notifies the licensee that a bond in an increased amount is required and the licensee fails to provide such a bond within the specified time the license of such licensee shall be automatically suspended until such bond is provided.
(d) Under section 8(a) of the Act a license can be suspended or revoked for violations of section 2 of the Act or when the licensee is found guilty in a Federal Court of having violated section 14(b) of the Act.
(e) Under section 8(b) of the Act a license can be suspended or revoked if the licensee continues to employ any person in violation of the provisions of this section. Also, if any licensee is authorized to employ any person under a bond in accordance with this section and is notified by the Director subsequently to provide a bond in an increased amount and fails to provide such a bond within the time specified, approval of employment shall automatically terminate.
(f) Under section 8(c) of the Act a license can be revoked for any false or misleading statement, or through a misrepresentation or concealment or withholding of facts in connection with an application for a license.
(g) Under section 9 of the Act a license can be suspended if the licensee fails to keep such accounts, records, and memoranda as fully and correctly disclose all transactions involved in his business including the true ownership of such business by stock-holding or otherwise.
(h) Under section 13 of the Act a license can be suspended:
(1) If the licensee refuses to permit inspection of his records or of any lot of produce under his ownership or control; or
(2) If the licensee, subsequent to a determination in a formal disciplinary proceeding that it has violated the prompt payment provision of Section 2(4) of the Act, refuses to permit an inspection of its accounts, records and memoranda to insure that it is in compliance with the prompt payment provision of section 2(4) of the Act or fails or refuses to furnish, maintain, or adjust a surety bond in a form and amount satisfactory to the Secretary.
(i) Under section 4(a) of the Act, at least 30 days prior to the anniversary date of a valid and effective license, the Director shall mail a notice to the licensee at the last known address advising that the license will automatically terminate on its anniversary date unless an application for renewal is filed supplying all information requested on a form to be supplied by the Division, and unless the renewal fee (if any is applicable) is paid on or before such date. If the renewal application is not filed and/or the renewal fee (if required) is not paid by the anniversary date, the licensee may obtain a renewal of that license at any time within 30 days by submitting the required renewal application and/or paying the renewal fee (if required), plus $50. Within 60 days after the termination date of a valid and effective license, the former licensee shall be notified of such termination, unless a new license has been obtained in the meantime.
(j) Beginning on December 1, 1998, the renewal period for new licenses issued to retailers and grocery wholesalers is three years.
(k) Only a commission merchant, broker, or dealer holding a multi-year license, prior to phase out of this option, will receive a refund if business operations cease or a change in legal status occurs that requires issuance of a new license prior to the next license renewal date. If a refund is due, it will be issued for any remaining full-year portion of advance fee paid, minus a $100 processing fee. [28 FR 7067, July 11, 1963; 28 FR 7287, July 17, 1963, as amended at 44 FR 50576, Aug. 29, 1979; 62 FR 15087, Mar. 31, 1997; 63 FR 64172, Nov. 19, 1998; 75 FR 51919, Aug. 24, 2010]