It is hereby found that it is impractical to use averages of prices received by farmers on a calendar year basis for the following agricultural commodities for the purpose of calculating adjusted base prices and, therefore, marketing season average prices will be used. An allowance for any supplemental payment resulting from price support operations shall be included in the determination of the adjusted base prices. For cigar binder tobacco, types 51-52, for each of the marketing seasons beginning in the years 1949 through 1958, 37.9 cents per pound shall be used in lieu of the average of prices received by farmers for such tobacco during each such marketing season.
Basic Commodities
Extra long staple cotton; peanuts; rice, and the following types of tobacco: Flue-cured, types 11-14; Virginia fire-cured, type 21; Kentucky-Tennessee fire-cured, types 22-23; burley, type 31; dark air-cured, types 35-36; sun-cured, type 37; Pennsylvania seedleaf, type 41; cigar filler and binder, types 42-44 and 53-55; Puerto Rican filler, type 46 (price refers to year of harvest); and cigar binder, types 51-52.
Designated Nonbasic Commodities
Tung nuts; honey, wholesale extracted.
Wool and Mohair
Wool and mohair.
Other Nonbasic Commodities
citrus fruit
Grapefruit; lemons; limes; oranges; tangerines; and Temples.
deciduous and other fruit
Apples for processing; apricots for fresh consumption; apricots for processing (except dried); dried apricots; avocados; blackberries; boysenberries; gooseberries; loganberries; black raspberries; red raspberries; youngberries; tart cherries; sweet cherries; cranberries; dates; grapes, raisins, dried; all grapes excluding raisins, dried; nectarines for fresh consumption, nectarines for processing; olives for processing (except crushed for oil); olives, crushed for oil; olives for canning; papayas (Hawaii), for fresh consumption; peaches for fresh consumption; clingstone peaches for processing (except dried); freestone peaches for processing (except dried); dried peaches; pears for fresh consumption; pears for processing (except dried); dried pears; plums (California), for fresh consumption; plus (California), for processing; dried prunes (California); prunes and plums (excluding California), for processing (except dried); strawberries for fresh consumption; and strawberries for processing.
Seed Crops
Alfalfa, bentgrass, crimson clover, Chewings fescue, red fescue, tall fescue, Marion Kentucky bluegrass, Ladino clover, lespedeza, orchard grass, red clover, timothy, and hairy vetch.
sugar crops
Sugar beets and sugarcane for sugar.
tree nuts
Almonds; filberts; pecans, all; and walnuts.
vegetables for fresh market
Artichokes, asparagus, snap beans, broccoli, cabbage, cantaloupe, carrots, cauliflower, celery, sweet corn, cucumbers, eggplant, escarole, garlic, honeydew melons, lettuce, onions, green peppers, spinach, tomatoes, and watermelons.
vegetables for processing
Asparagus, lima beans, snap beans, beets, cabbage, sweet corn, cucumbers, green peas, spinach, and tomatoes.
Other Commodities
Beeswax; cottonseed; hops; peas; dry field; peppermint oil; popcorn; potatoes; spearmint oil; and tobacco, types 61-62. All other commodities for which monthly price data are not available. [21 FR 761, Feb. 3, 1956]
Editorial Note: For Federal Register citations affecting Sec. 5.2 see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at