The determinations set forth herein are not requirements of these standards. They may be performed upon request in connection with the grade determination or as a separate determination. Samples of pecans for these determinations shall be taken at random from a composite sample drawn throughout the lot.
(a) Edible kernel content. A minimum sample of at least 500 grams of in-shell pecans shall be used for determination of edible kernel content. After the sample is weighed and shelled, edible appearing half kernels and pieces of kernels shall be separated from shells, center wall, and other non-kernel material, and inedible kernels (see Sec. 51.1415) and pieces of kernels, and weighed to determine edible kernel content for the lot.
(b) Poorly developed kernel content. A minimum sample of at least 500 grams of in-shell pecans shall be used for determination of poorly developed kernel content. The amount of poorly developed kernels and pieces of kernels shall be weighed to determine poorly developed kernel content of the lot (see Sec. 51.1411 and Figure 1).
(c) Edible kernel content color classification. The amount of ``Light,'' ``Light amber,'' ``Amber,'' ``Dark amber'' and darker shades of skin color shall be determined according to Sec. 51.1403, Kernel Color Classification. The total weight of edible kernels and pieces of kernels shall be the basis for determining color classification content for the lot.
(d) Kernel moisture content. The sample of pecans for determination of kernel moisture content shall be shelled immediately before analysis and all shells, center wall and other non-kernel material removed. The air-oven or other methods or devices which give equivalent results shall be used for moisture content determination.
Subpart_United States Standards for Grades of Shelled Pecans
Source: 34 FR 9377, June 14, 1969, unless otherwise noted. Redesignated at 42 FR 32514, June 27, 1977, and further redesignated at 46 FR 63203, Dec. 31, 1981.