To allow for variations incident to proper grading and handling in each of the foregoing grades, the following tolerances by weight or equivalent basis, are provided as specified.
(a) For defects--(1) U.S. No. 1. (i) At Shipping Point: A total of 8 percent for potatoes in any lot which fail to meet the requirements for the grade: Provided, That included in this tolerance not more than the following percentages shall be allowed for the defects listed:
(1) U.S. No. 1. (i) At Shipping Point: A total of 8 percent for potatoes in any lot which fail to meet the requirements for the grade: Provided, That included in this tolerance not more than the following percentages shall be allowed for the defects listed:
(i) At Shipping Point: A total of 8 percent for potatoes in any lot which fail to meet the requirements for the grade: Provided, That included in this tolerance not more than the following percentages shall be allowed for the defects listed:
(A) 5 percent for external defects;
(B) 5 percent for internal defects; and
(C) Not more than a total of 1 percent for potatoes which are frozen or affected by soft rot or wet breakdown. See Sec. 51.1547.
(ii) En route or at destination: A total of 10 percent for potatoes in any lot which fail to meet the requirements for the grade: Provided, That included in this tolerance not more than a total of 8 percent shall be allowed for permanent defects: And provided further, the following percentages shall be allowed for the defects listed:
(A) 7 percent for external defects, including therein not more than 5 percent for permanent external defects;
(B) 7 percent for internal defects, including therein not more than 5 percent for permanent internal defects; and
(C) Not more than a total of 2 percent for potatoes which are frozen or affected by soft rot or wet breakdown. See Sec. 51.1547.
(2) U.S. Commercial: A total of 20 percent for potatoes in any lot which fail to meet the requirements for the grade: Provided, That included in this tolerance not more than the following percentages shall be allowed for the defects listed:
(i) 10 percent for potatoes which fail to meet the requirements for U.S. No. 2 grade, including therein not more than:
(ii) 6 percent for external defects;
(iii) 6 percent for internal defects; and
(iv) Not more than a total of 1 percent for potatoes which are frozen or affected by soft rot or wet breakdown. See Sec. 51.1547.
(3) U.S. No. 2. (i) At Shipping Point: A total of 10 percent for potatoes in any lot which fail to meet the requirements for the grade: Provided, That included in this tolerance not more than the following percentages shall be allowed for the defects listed:
(i) At Shipping Point: A total of 10 percent for potatoes in any lot which fail to meet the requirements for the grade: Provided, That included in this tolerance not more than the following percentages shall be allowed for the defects listed:
(A) 6 percent for external defects;
(B) 6 percent for internal defects; and
(C) Not more than a total of 1 percent for potatoes which are frozen or affected by soft rot or wet breakdown. See Sec. 51.1547.
(ii) En route or at destination: A total of 12 percent for potatoes in any lot which fail to meet the requirements for the grade: Provided, That included in this tolerance not more than a total of 10 percent shall be allowed for permanent defects: And provided further, the following percentages shall be allowed for the defects listed:
(A) 8 percent for external defects, including therein not more than 6 percent for permanent external defects;
(B) 8 percent for internal defects, including therein not more than 6 percent for permanent internal defects; and
(C) Not more than a total of 2 percent for potatoes which are frozen or affected by soft rot or wet breakdown. See Sec. 51.1547.
(b) For off-size. (1) Not more than 3 percent of the potatoes in any lot may be smaller than the required or specified minimum size except that a tolerance of 5 percent shall be allowed for potatoes packed to meet a minimum size of 2\1/4\ inches or larger in diameter or 5 ounces or more in weight. In addition, not more than 10 percent may be larger than any required or specified maximum size. See Sec. 51.1547.
(1) Not more than 3 percent of the potatoes in any lot may be smaller than the required or specified minimum size except that a tolerance of 5 percent shall be allowed for potatoes packed to meet a minimum size of 2\1/4\ inches or larger in diameter or 5 ounces or more in weight. In addition, not more than 10 percent may be larger than any required or specified maximum size. See Sec. 51.1547.
(2) When a percentage of the potatoes is specified to be of a certain size and larger, individual samples shall have not less than one-half of the percentage specified: Provided, That the average for the entire lot is not less than the percentage specified. [35 FR 18258, Dec. 1, 1970. Redesignated at 42 FR 32514, June 27, 1977, and further redesignated at 46 FR 63203, Dec. 31, 1981; amended at 56 FR 7553, Feb. 25, 1991; 73 FR 15055, Mar. 21, 2008; 73 FR 70585, Nov. 21, 2008; 76 FR 31789, June 2, 2011]
Application of Tolerances