Table IIReferences to Area, Aggregate Area, Length or Aggregate Length are Based on a Tomato Having a Diameter of 2\1/2\
Inches (64 mm) \1\
[See footnote at end of Table II]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Factor Damage Serious damage Very serious damage----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cuts and broken skins................ Not shallow or not well Not shallow or not well Fresh or healed and
healed, or shallow, healed, or shallow, extending through the
well healed cut more well healed cut more tomato wall.
than \1/2\ inch (13 than \1/2\ inch (13
mm) in length, or mm) in length, or
other shallow, well other shallow, well
healed skin breaks healed skin breaks
aggregating more than aggregating more than
a circle \3/8\ inch a circle \1/2\ inch
(10 mm) in diameter. (13 mm) in diameter.Puffiness............................ Open space in 1 or more Open space in 1 or more Open space in 2 or more
locules materially locules seriously locules very seriously
detracts from detracts from detracts from
appearance of tomato appearance of tomato appearance of tomato
cut through center at cut through center at cut through center at
right angles to a line right angles to a line right angles to a line
from stem to blossom from stem to blossom from stem to blossom
end. end. end.Catfaces............................. Scars are rough or Scars are rough or Channels extend into
deep, channels are deep, channels are the locule, wall has
very deep or wide, very deep or wide, been weakened to the
channels extend into a channels extend into a extent that slight
locule, or a fairly locule, or a fairly pressure will cause a
smooth catface smooth catface tomato to leak, or a
aggregating more than aggregating more than fairly smooth catface
a circle \1/2\ inch a circle \3/4\ inch aggregating more than
(13 mm) in diameter. (19 mm) in diameter. a circle 1 inch (25
mm) in diameter.Scars (other than catfaces).......... No depth and No depth and No depth and
aggregating more than aggregating more than aggregating more than
a circle \3/8\ inch a circle \5/8\ inch a circle 1 inch (25
(10 mm) in diameter. (16 mm) in diameter. mm) in diameter.Growth cracks (radiating from or Not well healed, more Not well healed, more Not well healed, more
concentric to stem scar). than \1/8\ inch (3 mm) than \1/8\ inch (3 mm) than \1/4\ inch (6 mm)
in depth, individual in depth, individual in depth, individual
radial cracks more radial cracks more radial cracks more
than \1/2\ inch (13 than \3/4\ inch (19 than 1 inch (25 mm) in
mm) in length, mm) in length, length, aggregate
aggregate length of aggregate length of length of all radial
all radial cracks more all radial cracks more cracks more than 2\7/
than 1 inch (25 mm) than 1\3/4\ inches (44 8\ inches (73 mm)
measured from edge of mm) measured from edge measured from edge of
stem scar. Any lot of of stem scar. Any lot stem scar. Any lot of
tomatoes which are at of tomatoes which are tomatoes which are at
least turning may have at least turning may least turning may have
cracks which are not have cracks which are cracks which are not
well healed provided not well healed well healed provided
they are not leaking. provided they are not they are not leaking,
leaking. not more than \1/8\
inch (3 mm) in depth,
individual radial
cracks are not more
than \3/4\ inch (19
mm) in length.Hail................................. Deep, rough, not well Deep, rough, not well Fresh, very deep or
healed and corked healed and corked fairly smooth, shallow
over, or fairly over, or fairly hailmarks aggregating
smooth, shallow smooth, shallow more than a circle 1
hailmarks aggregating hailmarks aggregating inch (25 mm) in
more than a circle \3/ more than a circle \5/ diameter.
8\ inch (10 mm) in 8\ inch (16 mm) in
diameter. diameter.Insect injury........................ Materially detracts Seriously detracts from Very seriously detracts
from the appearance of the appearance of any from the appearance of
any insect is present insect is present in any insect is present
in the fruit. the fruit. in the fruit.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\1\ Conversion to metric equivalent, made to nearest whole millimeter. [38 FR 23932, Sept. 5, 1973, as amended at 38 FR 32920, Nov. 29, 1973. Redesignated at 42 FR 32514, June 27, 1977, and further redesignated at 46 FR 63203, Dec. 31, 1981]
Subpart_United States Consumer Standards for Fresh Tomatoes
Source: 18 FR 7144, Nov. 11, 1953, unless otherwise noted. Redesignated at 42 FR 32514, June 27, 1977, and further redesignated at 46 FR 63203, Dec. 31, 1981.