``U.S. No. 2'' consists of cantaloups of one type which are mature but not overripe or soft or wilted, which are fairly well formed and fairly well netted, which are free from decay, wet slip and sunscald, and free from serious damage caused by liquid in the seed cavity, sunburn, hail, dirt, surface mold or other disease, aphis or other insects, scars, cracks, sunken areas, bruises, or mechanical or other means.
(a) Tolerances. In order to allow for variations incident to proper grading and handling the following tolerances, by count, shall be permitted:
(1) At shipping point. 8 percent for cantaloups in any lot which fail to meet the requirements of this grade including therein not more than one-half of 1 percent for cantaloups which are affected by decay or mold.
(2) En route or at destination. 12 percent for cantaloups in any lot which fail to meet the requirements of this grade: Provided, That included in this amount not more than the following percentages shall be allowed for the defects listed:
(i) 8 percent for cantaloups which fail to meet the requirements of this grade because of defects of a permanent nature; or,
(ii) 2 percent for cantaloups which are affected by decay. (See Sec. 51.480.)