Code of Federal Regulations (alpha)

CFR /  Title 7  /  Part 51  /  Sec. 51.784 Classification of defects.

Table I----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Very serious

Factor Injury Damage Serious damage damage----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ammoniation..................... .................. Not occurring as Scars are cracked Aggregating more

light speck type. or dark and than 25 percent

aggregating more of the surface.

than a circle 1

inch (25.4 mm) in

diameter.Bruises......................... Segment walls are Segment walls are Segment walls are Fruit is split

collapsed, or rag collapsed, or rag collapsed, or rag open, peel is

is ruptured and is ruptured and is ruptured and badly

juice sacs are juice sacs are juice sacs are watersoaked, or

ruptured. ruptured. ruptured. rag is ruptured

and juice sacs

are ruptured

causing a mushy


affecting all

segments more

than \3/4\ inch

(19.1 mm) at

bruised area or

the equivalent of

this amount, by

volume, when

affecting more

than one area on

the fruit.Buckskin........................ .................. Aggregating more Aggregating more Aggregating more

than a circle 1- than 25 percent than 50 percent

\1/4\ inches of the surface. of the surface.

(31.8 mm) in

diameter.Caked melanose.................. .................. Aggregating more Aggregating more Aggregating more

than a circle \3/ than a circle 1 than 25 percent

4\ inch (19.1 mm) inch (25.4 mm) in of the surface.

in diameter. diameter.

Dryness or mushy condition...... .................. Affecting all Affecting all Affecting all

segments more segments more segments more

than \1/4\ inch than \1/2\ inch than \3/4\ inch

(6.4 mm) at stem (12.7 mm) at stem (19.1 mm) at stem

end, or the end, or the end, or the

equivalent of equivalent of equivalent of

this amount, by this amount, by this amount, by

volume, when volume, when volume, when

occurring in occurring in occurring in

other portions of other portions of other portions of

the fruit. the fruit. the fruit.Green spots..................... Aggregating more Aggregating more Aggregating more Aggregating more

than a circle \1/ than a circle \3/ than a circle 1 than \1/3\ of the

2\ inch (12.7 mm) 4\ inch (19.1 mm) inch (25.4 mm) in surface, caused

in diameter, in diameter, diameter, caused by scale.

caused by scale. caused by scale. by scale.Oil spots....................... Aggregating more Aggregating more Aggregating more Aggregating more

than a circle \1/ than a circle 1 than a circle 1\1/ than \1/3\ of the

2\ inch (12.7 mm) inch (25.4 mm) in 2\ inches (38.1 surface.

in diameter. diameter. mm) in diameter.Scab............................ .................. Materially Seriously detracts Aggregating more

detracts from the from the shape or than 25 percent

shape or texture, texture, or of the surface.

or aggregating aggregating more

more than a than a circle \7/

circle \3/4\ inch 8\ inch (22.2 mm)

(19.1 mm) in in diameter.

diameter.Scale........................... More than a few Blotch aggregating Blotch aggregating Aggregating more

adjacent to the more than a more than a than 25 percent

``button'' at the circle \3/4\ inch circle 1 inch of the surface.

stem end, or more (19.1 mm) in (25.4 mm) in

than 6 scattered diameter, or diameter, or

on other portions occurring as a occurring as a

of the fruit. ring more than a ring more than a

circle 1\3/4\ circle 1\1/2\

inches (31.8 mm) inches (38.1 mm)

in diameter. in diameter..Scars, Hail, or Thorn scratches Depressed, not Very deep or very Very deep or very Very deep or very

[For smooth or fairly smooth smooth, or rough aggregating rough aggregating rough or

superficial scars see Sec. detracts from more than a more than a unsightly that

51.770.]. appearance more circle \1/2\ inch circle 1 inch appearance is

than the amount (12.7 mm) in (25.4 mm) in very seriously

of discoloration diameter; deep or diameter; deep or affected.

permitted in the rough aggregating rough aggregating

grade. more than a more than 5

circle 1 inch percent of fruit

(25.4 mm) in surface; slight

diameter; depth or slightly

slightly rough or rough aggregating

of slight depth more than 15

aggregating more percent of fruit

than 10 percent surface.

of fruit surface.Skin breakdown.................. Aggregating more Aggregating more Aggregating more Aggregating more

than a circle \3/ than a circle \3/ than a circle 1 than 25 percent

8\ inch (9.5 mm) 4\ inch (19.1 mm) inch (25.4 mm) in of the surface.

in diameter. in diameter. diameter.Sprayburn....................... .................. Aggregating more Hard and Aggregating more

than a circle \3/ aggregating more than 25 percent

4\ inch (19.1 mm) than a circle 1\1/ of the surface.

in diameter. 2\ inches (38.1

mm) in diameter.Sprouting....................... .................. More than six More than six More than six

seeds have seeds have seeds have

sprouts of more sprouts of more sprouts of more

than \1/4\ inch than \1/2\ inch than \3/4\ inch

(6.4 mm) in (12.7 mm) in (19.1 mm) in

length, or more length, or more length, or more

than 3 seeds with than 3 seeds with than 3 seeds with

sprouts over \3/ sprouts over 1 sprouts over 1\1/

4\ inch (19.1 mm) inch (25.4 mm) in 4\ inches (31.8

in length. length. mm) in length.Sunburn......................... .................. Skin is flattened, Skin is hard and Aggregating more

dry, darkened, or affects more than than 50 percent

hard and the one-third of the of the surface.

affected area surface.

exceeds 25

percent of the

surface.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: All references to area or aggregating area, or length in this standard are based on a grapefruit 4\1/8\

inches (104.8 mm) in diameter, allowing proportionately greater areas on larger fruit and lesser areas on

smaller fruit. Subpart_United States Standards for Grades of Table Grapes (European or

Vinifera Type) \1\---------------------------------------------------------------------------

\1\ Packing of the product in conformity with the requirements of these standards shall not excuse failure to comply with the provisions of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act or with applicable State laws and regulations.---------------------------------------------------------------------------
