The color terms well colored, reasonably well colored, and fairly well colored are defined in Table IV.
Table IV----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Color terms Black varieties Red varieties White varieties----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Well colored (U.S. Extra Fancy)...... Each bunch shall have Each bunch shall have No requirement.
not less than 95 not less than 75
percent, by count, of percent, by count, of
berries showing good berries showing good
characteristic color. characteristic color.
\1\ \1\Reasonably well colored (U.S. Fancy). Each bunch shall have Each bunch shall have No requirement.
not less than 85 not less than 66\2/3\
percent, by count, of percent, by count, of
berries showing good berries showing good
characteristic color. characteristic color
\1\ \1\ except the Tokay
and Cardinal varieties
shall have not less
than 75 percent, by
count, of berries
showing characteristic
color. \2\Fairly well colored (U.S. No. 1)..... Each bunch shall have Each bunch shall have No requirement.
not less than 75 not less than 60
percent, by count, of percent, by count, of
berries showing berries showing
characteristic color. characteristic color.
\2\ \2\----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\1\ Good characteristic color for black varieties means purple to black except that Ribier or similar varieties
of grapes shall have at least two-thirds of the surface of the berry showing purple to black color.For red varieties good characteristic color means at least two-thirds of the surface of the berry is light red
through dark red color; except, for the Tokay variety pink through dark red, and for the Cardinal variety
light red through purple shall be permitted.\2\ Characteristic color for black varieties means reddish-purple to black except that Ribier or similar
varieties of grapes shall have at least two-thirds of the surface of the berry showing reddish-purple to black
color.For red varieties characteristic color means at least two-thirds of the surface of the berry is pink to dark
red; except, for the Tokay variety light pink through dark red and for the Cardinal variety light pink through
purple color shall be permitted. [36 FR 9126, May 20, 1971. Redesignated at 42 FR 32514, June 27, 1977, and further redesignated at 46 FR 63203, Dec. 31, 1981. Redesignated at 56 FR 15802, Apr. 18, 1991]