(a) Shipping containers of foreign product offered for importation shall bear a label, printed in English, showing:
(1) The common or usual name of the product;
(2) The name of the country of origin;
(3)-(4) [Reserved]
(5) The quality or description of the eggs, except as required in Sec. 57.905;
(6) The words ``Keep refrigerated'' or words of similar meaning.
(b) Labeling on shipping containers examined at the time of inspection in the United States, if found to be false or misleading, shall be cause for the product to be refused entry.
(c) For properly sealed and certified shipments of shell eggs imported for breaking at an official egg products plant, the shipping containers need not be labeled, provided that the shipment is segregated and controlled upon arrival at the destination breaking plant.
(d) In the case of products which are not in compliance solely because of misbranding, such products may be brought into compliance with the regulations only under the supervision of an authorized representative of the Administrator. [63 FR 69968, 69971, Dec. 17, 1998, as amended at 69 FR 57168, Sept. 24, 2004]