Code of Federal Regulations (alpha)

CFR /  Title 7  /  Part 623  /  Sec. 623.16 Monitoring and enforcement of easement terms and conditions.

(a) NRCS or its representative shall be permitted to inspect each easement area at any and all times determined necessary by NRCS to ensure that:

(1) Structural and vegetative restoration work are properly maintained;

(2) The wetlands and adjacent upland habitat of the easement area is being managed as required in the WRPO and the terms of the easement; and

(3) Uses of the area are consistent with the terms and conditions of the easement and the WRPO.

(b) If an owner or other interested party is unwilling to voluntarily correct, in a timely manner, deficiencies in compliance with the terms of the WRPO, the EWRP easement, or any related agreements, NRCS may at the expense of any person who is subject to the EWRP easement correct such deficiency. Such NRCS action shall be in addition to other remedies available to NRCS.

(c) Monitoring and enforcement responsibilities may be delegated by NRCS at any time to other Federal or State agencies. Landowners may transfer management responsibilities only to Federal, State, or local agencies or private organizations that have been approved by NRCS in advance as having the appropriate authority, expertise, and resources necessary to carry out such delegated responsibilities.