(a) The RFO will analyze the environmental assessment of the proposed action to determine which of the following classes of action applies. This determination will be recorded and will be available to the public on request.
(1) Actions not requiring a site-specific EIS. All proposed actions and their impacts that are determined to be adequately discussed in the program EIS or determined not to be major Federal actions will not require a site-specific EIS. However, if the assessment reveals that these proposed actions will have significant adverse effects on the quality of the human environment, the RFO will:
(i) Modify the action to eliminate or mitigate the significant adverse impacts, or
(ii) Withdraw further Federal assistance if significant adverse impacts cannot be eliminated or mitigated.
(2) Actions requiring a site-specific EIS. A site-specific EIS is required for proposed actions if their impacts are not adequately discussed in the program EIS, and the proposal is determined to be a major Federal action significantly affecting the quality of the human environment in accordance with Sec. 650.7(b) of this chapter. When a decision is made to prepare an EIS, a Notice of Intent will be published in the Federal Register. The content and format of the EIS is to be consistent with the format of the program EIS and use scoping and tiering techniques to focus on the significant environmental issues.
(3) Actions excluded from the EIS requirements. Those actions taken to prevent loss of life or property under the extreme danger provisions of priority 1 as described in Sec. 632.12. These actions are determined by a limited environmental assessment that reasonably identifies the possible loss of life or property.