(a)(1) Finance and accounting will be in conformance with Office of Management & Budget Circular A-102, (Rev.); U.S. Department of Health, Education & Welfare Brochure OASC-10, Federal Management Circular FMC 74-4, ``Cost Principles Applicable to Grants and Contracts with State and Local Government''; Department of the Treasury, Department Circular No. 1075 (4th Rev.), ``Withdrawal of Cash from the Treasury for Advances under Federal Grant and other Programs''; Office of Management & Budget Circular No. A-34, ``Instruction on Budget Execution''; U.S. Treasury Requirements Manual for Guidance of Departments and Agencies; and General Accounting Office Policy & Procedures Manual for Guidance of Federal Agencies.
(1) Finance and accounting will be in conformance with Office of Management & Budget Circular A-102, (Rev.); U.S. Department of Health, Education & Welfare Brochure OASC-10, Federal Management Circular FMC 74-4, ``Cost Principles Applicable to Grants and Contracts with State and Local Government''; Department of the Treasury, Department Circular No. 1075 (4th Rev.), ``Withdrawal of Cash from the Treasury for Advances under Federal Grant and other Programs''; Office of Management & Budget Circular No. A-34, ``Instruction on Budget Execution''; U.S. Treasury Requirements Manual for Guidance of Departments and Agencies; and General Accounting Office Policy & Procedures Manual for Guidance of Federal Agencies.
(2) Administering agency RCWP grants will be funded under Letter-of-Credit serviced by the U.S. Treasury Regional Disbursing Office (RCO), subject to the terms and conditions of the grant agreement or by NRCS approved advance/reimbursement financing agreements.
(3) The State of local administering agency shall maintain a financial management system which provides accurate and complete disclosure of the financial status of the RCWP grant in accordance with prescribed reporting requirements.
(4) The State or local administering agency shall upon request make its financial management system records available to NRCS, USDA Office of Inspector General, and the General Accounting Office.
(5) Participation in comprehensive USDA/EPA joint water quality monitoring, evaluating, and analysis will be funded according to the plan approved in Sec. 634.50(a)(3).
(b)(1) The carrying out of RCWP will require both financial and performance reporting to the Natural Resources Conservation Service by participating USDA and State or local agencies.
(1) The carrying out of RCWP will require both financial and performance reporting to the Natural Resources Conservation Service by participating USDA and State or local agencies.
(2) USDA participating agencies shall furnish NRCS with reports prescribed by the U.S. Treasury Department; Office of Management and Budget; Administrative Regulations of the U.S. Department of Agriculture; and other reports required by law, regulation, or agreement.
(3) State or local administering agencies shall furnish financial status reports to NRCS on a quarterly basis as required by the grant agreement. The administering agency is also to provide an audit report upon request. The audit report is to be prepared in sufficient detail to allow NRCS to determine that funds have been used in compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and the grant agreement.