(a) General. Registration is subject to suspension or revocation whenever the Administrator determines that the registrant has violated any provision of the Act or regulations, or has been convicted of any violation involving the handling, weighing, or inspection of grain under Title 18 of the United States Code.
(b) Procedure. Before the Service suspends or revokes a registration, the registrant (hereinafter the ``respondent''): (1) Shall be notified of the proposed action and the reasons therefor and (2) shall be afforded opportunity for a hearing in accordance with the Rules of Practice Governing Formal Adjudicatory Proceedings Instituted by the Secretary under Various Statutes (7 CFR, 1.130 through 1.151). Prior to formal adjudicatory proceedings, the Service may allow the respondent to express views on the action proposed by the Service in an informal conference before the Administrator. If the Service and the respondent enter into a consent agreement, no formal adjudicatory proceedings shall be initiated. [48 FR 44456, Sept. 29, 1983]
Conditions For Obtaining Or Withholding Official Services