Grades, Grade Requirements, and Grade Designations----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Maximum limits of-- paddy
kernels and seeds
------------------------------- Minimum milling
Grade Total (singly Objectionable Color requirements \1\ requirements \2\
or combined) seeds
(percent) (percent)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------U.S. No. 1 \3 4\.............. 0.5 0.05 White or Creamy......... Well milled.U.S. No. 2 \3 4\.............. 1.0 0.1 Slightly gray........... Well milled.U.S. No. 3 \3 4\.............. 1.5 0.2 Light gray or slightly Reasonably well milled.
rosy.U.S. No. 4 \3 4\.............. 3.0 0.4 Gray or rosy............ Reasonably well milled.U.S. No. 5.................... 5.0 1.5 Dark gray or very rosy.. Reasonably well milled.U.S. Sample grade:
U.S. Sample grade shall be milled rice of this class which: (a) Does not meet the requirements for any of
the grades from U.S. No. 1 to U.S. No. 5, inclusive; (b) contains more than 15.0 percent of moisture; (c)
is musty or sour, or heating; (d) has any commercially objectionable foreign odor; (e) has a badly damaged
or extremely red appearance; (f) contains more than 0.1 percent of foreign material; (g) contains more than
15.0 percent of broken kernels that will pass through a 2\1/2\ sieve; (h) contains two or more live or dead
weevils or other insects, insect webbing, or insect refuse; or (h) is otherwise of distinctly low quality.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\1\ For the special grade Parboiled milled rice, see Sec. 868.315(c).\2\ For the special grade Undermilled milled rice, see Sec. 868.315(d).\3\ Grades U.S. No. 1 to U.S. No. 4, inclusive, shall contain not more than 3.0 percent of heat-damaged kernels,
kernels damaged by heat and/or parboiled kernels in nonparboiled rice.\4\ Grades U.S. No. 1 to U.S. No. 4, inclusive, shall contain not more than 1.0 percent of material passing
through a 30 sieve. This limit does not apply to the special grade Granulated brewers milled rice. [67 FR 61252, Sept. 30, 2002]