(a) The manager of the then existing Control Committee shall arrange for, and publicize, meetings of growers to nominate members for the different commodity committees, and each such meeting shall be attended by one or more employees of the Control Committee. Members of the Agricultural Extension Service of the University of California may be authorized by the manager to assist in calling such meetings and advise growers, on their respective mailing lists, of such meetings.
(b) Growers assembled at any such meetings may select a chairman and secretary, but in the event none of the aforesaid employees of the Control Committee is selected as secretary of the meeting, one such employee shall, nevertheless, record all nominations made.
(c) The nominations at any meeting shall be conducted according to Robert's rules of order. However, voting may be by secret ballot or by acclamation in accordance with the desire of the majority of the growers attending the meeting.
(d) No individual, whether representing a corporation or otherwise, may cast more than one vote for each nominee to be selected at the meeting where such individual is eligible to participate in the selection of nominees for members and alternate members of the Commodity Committees. [16 FR 12776, Dec. 20, 1951, as amended at 24 FR 470, Jan. 21, 1959. Redesignated at 26 FR 12751, Dec. 30, 1961, as amended at 71 FR 78041, Dec. 28, 2006; 76 FR 66605, Oct. 27, 2011]
Effective Date Note: At 76 FR 66605, Oct. 27, 2011, Sec. 917.119 was suspended indefinitely, effective Oct. 28, 2011.