(a) Laboratory analyses of citrus juice and other citrus products are being performed at the following Science and Technology location: USDA, AMS, S&T; Eastern Laboratory (Citrus), 98 Third Street, SW., Winter Haven, FL 33880.
(b) Laboratory analyses of citrus fruit and products in Florida are available in order to determine if such commodities satisfy the quality and grade standards set forth in the Florida Citrus Code (Florida Statutes Pursuant to Chapter 601). Such analyses include tests for acid as anhydrous citric acid, Brix, Brix/acid ratio, recoverable oil, and artificial coloring matter additive, as turmeric. The Fruit and Vegetable Inspectors of the Division of Fruit and Vegetable of the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services may also request analyses for arsenic metal, pulp wash (ultraviolet and fluorescence), standard plate count, yeast with mold count, and nutritive sweetening ingredients as sugars.
(c) There are additional laboratory tests available upon request at the Science and Technology Eastern (Citrus) Laboratory at Winter Haven, Florida. Such analyses include tests for vitamins, naringin, sodium benzoate, Salmonella, protein, salt, pesticide residues, sodium metal, ash, potassium metal, and coliforms for citrus products. [65 FR 64316, Oct. 26, 2000]