Code of Federal Regulations (alpha)

CFR /  Title 7  /  Part 930  /  Sec. 930.158 Grower diversion and grower diversion certificates.

(a) Grower diversion certificates. The Board may issue diversion certificates to growers in districts subject to volume regulation who have voluntarily elected to divert in the orchard all or a portion of their tart cherry production which otherwise, upon delivery to handlers, would become restricted percentage cherries. Growers may offer the diversion certificate to handlers in lieu of delivering cherries. Handlers may redeem diversion certificates with the Board through June 30 of each crop year. After June 30 of the crop year that crop year's grower diversion certificates are no longer valid. Cherries that have reached a harvestable, marketable condition will be eligible for diversion. Diversion will not be granted to growers whose fruit was destroyed before it set and/or matured on the tree, or whose fruit is unmarketable. If marketable fruit were to be damaged or destroyed by acts of nature such as storms or hail diversion credit could be granted.

(b) Application and mapping for diversion. Any grower desiring to divert cherries using methods other than in-orchard tank shall submit a map of the orchard or orchards to be diverted, along with a completed Grower Diversion Application, to the Board by April 15 of each crop year. The application includes a statement which must be signed by the grower which states that the grower agrees to comply with the regulations established for a tart cherry diversion program. Each map shall contain the grower's name and number assigned by the Board, the grower's address, block name or number when appropriate, location of orchard or orchards and other information which may be necessary to accomplish the desired diversion. On or before July 1, the grower should inform the Board of such grower's intention to divert in-orchard and what type of diversion will be used. The four types of diversion are random row diversion, whole block diversion, partial block diversion and in-orchard tank diversion. A grower who informs the Board about the type of diversion he or she wishes to use by July 1 can elect to use any diversion method or combination of diversion methods. Only random row or in-orchard tank diversion methods may be used if the Board is not so informed by July 1. Trees that are four years or younger do not qualify for diversion. Annual resubmissions of either the map or application will no longer be required. Growers will only submit a new application and map if they are participating in the grower diversion program for the first time. Growers will need only to submit a new orchard map if he/she adds a new block of trees to the orchard or changes the orchard layout differently from the map previously submitted to the Board.

(1) Random row diversion. Using the orchard map furnished by the grower, the Board will randomly select rows of trees within the orchard to be diverted. The amount of cherries to be diverted will be based on the preliminary restricted percentage amount established pursuant to Sec. 930.50. A grower may elect a different percentage amount; however, the grower needs to inform the Board as soon as possible after the preliminary percentages are announced of this other amount, but in no event shall this be less than seven days in advance of harvest. The designated rows indicated by the map must not be harvested. After completing harvest of the remaining rows in the orchard, the grower must notify the Board and/or the Board's compliance officer. A compliance officer will then be allowed to observe the grower's orchard to assure that the selected rows have not been harvested. The grower must inform the Board of the total production of the orchard to calculate the tonnage that was diverted.

(2) Whole block diversion. Based on maps supplied by the grower, a sampling procedure will be used to determine the amount of cherries in the orchard to be diverted. A block is defined as rows that run in the same direction, are similar in age, and have definable boundaries. The Board will require a number of tree sites to be sampled depending on the size of the block. A tree site is a planted tree or an area where a tree was planted and may have been uprooted or died. If a block has 5 rows or less, or 200 or less tree sites, 3 rows would be randomly chosen to be sampled, if a block has 6 to 15 rows, or 201-400 tree sites, 4 rows would be randomly chosen to be sampled, and if a block has 16 or more rows and greater than 400 tree sites, 5 rows would be randomly chosen to be sampled. The Board's compliance officer will apply the sampling procedure (based on the number of rows or the number of tree sites) which results in the fewest number of tree sites required to be sampled. From each of the rows to be sampled, ten contiguous tree sites will be sampled. Only trees more than five years old will be harvested for the sample. For example, if it is determined that five rows are to be sampled, 10 contiguous tree sites in each of the five rows will be subject to harvest. Trees within the 10 sites which are more than five years old will be harvested. The harvested tonnage will be converted to a volume that represents the entire block of cherries. If, for example, a total of 4,600 pounds is harvested from the sample tree sites and this total is divided by 50 tree sites a yield of 92 pounds per tree site is obtained. To find the total yield for the block, the 92 pounds per tree site yield is multiplied by the 880 tree sites that were mapped in the block and that equals 80,960 pounds for that block. The compliance officer would be allowed access to the block to oversee the sampling process and to confirm that the block has been diverted.

(3) Partial block diversion. Partial block diversion will also be accomplished using maps supplied by the grower. Sampling will be done as in whole block diversion except that only partial blocks would be selected and sampled. Growers may divert up to five partial blocks, or 50 percent of a grower's total number of blocks per year. Such block(s) must be mapped and will be sampled as described under whole block diversion. Rows used in partial block diversion must be contiguous.

(4) In-orchard tank diversion. Growers wishing to in-orchard tank divert must pick the cherries to be diverted and place them in harvesting tanks. A compliance officer would then probe the tanks for volume measurement and observe the destruction of the cherries on the grower's premises. Growers wishing to take advantage of this option must have at least 10 tanks ready for diversion. The compliance officer has up to five days to come to the grower's premises to observe the diversion after being contacted.

(c) Compliance. Growers who voluntarily participate in the grower diversion program must sign and file with the Board a Grower Diversion Application. By signing the application, a grower agrees to the terms and conditions of the grower diversion program as contained in these regulations. To be eligible to receive diversion credit, growers voluntarily choosing to divert cherries must meet the following terms and conditions:

(1) In order to receive a certificate, a grower must demonstrate, to the satisfaction of the Board, that rows or trees which were selected for diversion were not harvested. Trees four years old or younger do not qualify for diversion.

(2) The grower must furnish the Board with a total harvested production amount so the Board can calculate the amount of grower diversion tonnage to be placed on the diversion certificate. The Board will confirm the grower's production amount with information provided by handlers (to which the grower delivers cherries) on Board form Number Two.

(3)(i) The grower must agree to allow a Board compliance officer to visit the grower's orchard to confirm that diversion has actually taken place. If the terms and conditions for whole block, partial block or in-orchard tank diversion are not completed, the Board shall not issue the grower a diversion certificate.

(i) The grower must agree to allow a Board compliance officer to visit the grower's orchard to confirm that diversion has actually taken place. If the terms and conditions for whole block, partial block or in-orchard tank diversion are not completed, the Board shall not issue the grower a diversion certificate.

(ii) If a grower who chooses random row diversion harvests rows that were designated not to be harvested, the grower should inform the Board immediately of the error. The grower will then be required to divert twice the amount (rows or trees) incorrectly harvested to correct the mistake. The grower will still receive a diversion certificate equal to the original requested amount. However, in instances where a grower is at the end of harvesting the orchard and fails to divert a complete block or specified rows, the Board shall multiply by two the difference between the original diversion amount and the actual diverted amount. The Board shall subtract that amount from the diversion application amount. Thus, the grower would receive a grower diversion certificate equal to a portion of the originally requested amount. If the grower does not inform the Board of such errors, the grower will not receive a diversion certificate. [63 FR 33528, June 19, 1998, as amended at 64 FR 30232, June 7, 1999;; 71 FR 66098, Nov. 13, 2006; 76 FR 65360, Oct. 21, 2011; 78 FR 46496, Aug. 1, 2013]

Effective Date Note: At 76 FR 65360, Oct. 21, 2011, in Sec. 930.158, paragraphs (b)(1) and (c)(3)(ii) were suspended indefinitely.