(a) Natural condition raisins--(1) Basic definition. For the purpose of incoming and outgoing inspection of natural condition raisins, lot means, except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, the quantity of such raisins of the same varietal type or of differing varietal types when commingled within their containers (including sweat and picking boxes and bins), which does not exceed a car, truck, or truck-trailer load, and which is submitted for inspection at one time and in the same place.
(1) Basic definition. For the purpose of incoming and outgoing inspection of natural condition raisins, lot means, except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, the quantity of such raisins of the same varietal type or of differing varietal types when commingled within their containers (including sweat and picking boxes and bins), which does not exceed a car, truck, or truck-trailer load, and which is submitted for inspection at one time and in the same place.
(2) Separation of large units. If a quantity of raisins in excess of a car, truck, or truck-trailer load is submitted for inspection, the total quantity may, at the discretion of the inspector, be separated into such readily identifiable portions, either prior to or in the course of inspection, as can be conveniently and properly inspected, and each such portion shall constitute a lot.
(3) Resubmission after reconditioning. Raisins which are submitted for inspection after reconditioning (such as sorting or drying) and whose original lot identity is no longer applicable, shall be a new lot.
(4) Meeting and failing portions. Where a portion of a quantity of raisins submitted for inspection meets the minimum grade and condition standards and has been separated from the remainder of the raisins failing to meet such standards:
(i) The meeting portion shall be one lot; and
(ii) The remainder shall be one or more lots as necessary to cause each lot to contain either (a) a single defect in excess of tolerance or (b) two or more of the same defects in excess of tolerance occurring together within each of the individual containers.
(5) Entire quantity failing. Where the entire quantity of raisins submitted for inspection fails to meet such standards, then, whether such quantity shall be one or more lots shall be determined in the same manner as for the failing remainder referred to in paragraph (a)(4) of this section.
(6) Special condition. Notwithstanding other provisions of this section, any quantity of raisins failing to meet such standards and which are not to be reconditioned may be a single lot.
(b) Packed raisins. For the purpose of outgoing inspection of packed raisins, lot means: (1) For in-line inspection (i.e., where samples are drawn from a flow of raisins prior to packaging), the aggregate quantity of raisins of the same varietal type, subtype, or size (or in their mixed form), processed in any continuous production of one calendar day and packaged in one size and style of package but excluding those rejected by inspection; and (2) for floor inspection (i.e., where samples are drawn from containers of raisins), the aggregate quantity of such raisins in like containers but not necessarily processed in one continuous production or during one calendar day, identifiable and offered for inspection as a lot.