(a) Incoming inspection. (1)(i) The Committee shall, upon request of a handler who complies with the requirements of this part with respect to inspection points, designate as his inspection point any place (including his plant or receiving station) where the handler receives raisins.
(1)(i) The Committee shall, upon request of a handler who complies with the requirements of this part with respect to inspection points, designate as his inspection point any place (including his plant or receiving station) where the handler receives raisins.
(i) The Committee shall, upon request of a handler who complies with the requirements of this part with respect to inspection points, designate as his inspection point any place (including his plant or receiving station) where the handler receives raisins.
(ii) Each handler shall, at his expense, provide at each of his inspection points reasonably safe and adequate facilities for receiving raisins, drawing samples, and efficient inspection of natural condition raisins. At the time of inspection of any lot, the handler shall, at his expense, provide the inspector with any assistance necessary in the inspection of the raisins, including the movement of individual containers. Each handler, other than a processor, shall maintain with the Committee a current written description, defining the boundaries and other pertinent details, of each of his inspection points. In the event the Committee determines that any inspection point, or any modification thereof, does not comply with the definition or the requirements of this part, it shall notify the handler of the changes necessary for compliance. The handler shall make such changes promptly. In the event any of his inspection points is the same as that of another handler or person receiving raisins or grapes in any form, the handler shall maintain his raisins separate and apart from any other raisins.
(iii) The weight of each lot of raisins tendered for receiving, storage, reconditioning, acquisition, or disposition shall be substantiated by an official ``State Certificate of Weights and Measures'' issued by a public weighmaster, whether located at the inspection point or otherwise, or such other document approved by the Committee which accurately reflects the weight of each lot tendered. The net weight of such raisins for the purposes of this part, shall be determined by deducting the sand tare and box tare from the gross weight of the raisins. The sand tare shall be the weight of the sand and other foreign material removed from the raisins by passing the raisins over a screen (of a type commonly used by the industry for such purpose) having 36 square openings to the square inch, with each opening being one-eighth of an inch square.
(2) No handler, other than a processor, shall receive at points other than at an inspection point, natural condition raisins from a tenderer, either for acquisition, storage, reconditioning, inspection, or for disposition in eligible nonnormal outlets: Provided, That this requirement shall not preclude a handler from dehydrating, free from the provisions of this part, at separate dehydrating facilities recognized in Sec. 989.105 and located in California, raisins not delivered to an inspection point. Any handler who accepts raisins at an inspection point for drying or other reconditioning shall be deemed to have received the raisins for reconditioning and shall be subject to the provisions of this part with respect to such raisins.
(3) For each lot of natural condition raisins received by a handler for acquisition, reconditioning, storage, inspection, or for disposition in eligible nonnormal outlets, the handler shall, immediately upon physical receipt and tentative acceptance thereof, issue a prenumbered (numbered serially in advance) door receipt or weight certificate showing the name and address of the tenderer, the weight of the lot, the number and type of containers in the lot, and any other information necessary to identify the lot. For the purposes of identifying incoming lots of raisins, other than dehydrated raisins covered by paragraph (e) of this section, a handler, if it is impracticable for him to issue immediately a door receipt or weight certificate, may issue for temporary use only a prenumbered ``Request for USDA Inspection'' on a form furnished by the Committee. Any such raisins so received by a handler shall, prior to their acceptance, be inspected at an inspection point during the unloading process, and if certified as standard raisins shall be, unless returned to the tenderer, either promptly acquired by the handler or received for storage on memorandum receipt: Provided, That in the absence of an inspector to perform inspection during unloading, the handler shall not permit unloading to occur unless such absence is during normal business hours and the handler has a written statement from the inspection service to the effect that inspection cannot be furnished within a reasonable time: And provided further, That the raisins so unloaded shall be inspected promptly upon an inspector being available. It shall be the handler's responsibility in any case to arrange for the inspection, other than with respect to dehydrated raisins covered by paragraph (e) of this section, and furnish weight certificates promptly. Any raisins received by a handler as off-grade for disposition in eligible non-normal outlets or for reconditioning may be accepted uninspected: Provided, That an application for receiving such uninspected raisins shall be submitted by the handler, on a form furnished by the Committee, to the Inspection Service prior to, or upon physical receipt of, such off-grade raisins. Such form shall provide for at least the name and address of the tenderer (equity holder), date, number, and type of containers, net weight of the raisins, and the particular defect(s) the handler indicates would cause the raisins to be off-grade. Handlers shall complete and sign the form. The application for such uninspected raisins shall not be acceptable unless signed by the tenderer. The uninspected raisins shall be subject to surveillance by the Inspection Service. Each lot of raisins accepted by a handler for reconditioning shall be reconditioned separately from any other lot.
(4) If any lot of natural condition raisins tendered to a handler is separated into two or more lots because a portion of the original lot failed to meet minimum grade and condition standards, or because the entire lot failed due to more than one defect, the handler shall issue a prenumbered weight certificate for each such new lot not returned to the tenderer, showing the name and address of the tenderer, the weight of the lot, and the number and type of containers in the lot. The weight of any meeting lot shall be determined by weighing it, or by weighing the failing portion of the incoming lot and deducting the weight thereof from the weight of the incoming lot. The weight of each failing lot shall be determined by weighing it, or by deriving such weight by applying the original average container weight to the number of containers.
(5) Any financially interested party may, upon the payment of any fees assessed by the inspection service, obtain an appeal inspection. An appeal inspection shall be applicable only to raisins which have not been removed from their containers, with pallet control cards still affixed, are readily identifiable, and have not been removed from the original inspection point: Provided, That when the condition of a lot of such raisins may have changed subsequent to the original inspection, an additional inspection, rather than an appeal inspection, may be obtained.
(6) Raisins produced by a handler shall be subject to the requirements of paragraph (a) (3) and (4) of this section upon delivery to an inspection point. Raisins produced by a handler by dehydration within an inspection point shall be subject to the requirements of paragraph (a) (3) and (4) of this section immediately upon completion of said dehydration.
(7) The inspection certificate for a mixed lot of natural condition raisins (raisins of different varietal types commingled within their containers) shall show the percentage which the raisins of each varietal type is of the total raisins contained in the lot.
(8) With respect to any lot of natural condition raisins being received and inspected at a handler's inspection point pursuant to paragraph (a)(3) of this section, the handler shall notify the inspection service if he elects to have the raisins inspected for infestation. If the handler elects not to have the raisins inspected for infestation, he shall: (i) Fumigate promptly all raisins he receives; (ii) notify the inspection service in advance of the time he plans to fumigate such raisins; (iii) permit the inspection service to monitor the fumigation; and (iv) permit the inspection service to make periodic incubation checks of his packed raisins. The inspection service shall certify the raisins received as standard raisins if they meet all other grade and condition standards. If the handler elects to have the raisins inspected for infestation, the inspector shall afford such handler the opportunity to fumigate such raisins during the inspection and certification process. Such raisins shall remain under the supervision of the inspector during the fumigation. The inspection certificate shall not be issued until the fumigation is completed: Provided, That the inspection certificate shall be issued, whether or not the fumigation is completed, not later than five business days after the date the inspection and certification process is suspended by the inspector to permit fumigation.
(9) With respect to any lot (as defined in Sec. 989.104(a)(1)) of natural condition raisins being received and inspected at a handler's inspection point pursuant to paragraph (a)(3) of this section and notwithstanding separation of the meeting portion of the original lot from the failing portions thereof for the purposes on Sec. 989.104 and paragraph (a)(4) of this section, any tenderer may, when permitted by the handler and when notified by the inspector of defects during the inspection and certification process, and in accordance with the provisions of this subparagraph, perform any one or more of the following on an individual box basis: (i) Mix raisins within boxes containing raisins that are wet, or of high moisture content in some areas of the box; (ii) dump raisins from wet boxes into dry boxes; (iii) remove wet raisins; or (iv) remove foreign material such as sandburs, puncture vine seed, Eucalyptus pods or leaves, rocks, and sticks. This authorization to the tenderer shall not extend to raisins in containers larger than sweat boxes; and the number of boxes in the original lot on which the aforesaid actions may be performed during such process shall not exceed ten, or five percent of the total number of containers in the lot, whichever is less. Where the percentage computation results in a fraction of a box and is less than ten boxes, it shall be rounded upward to the next number. The entire lot of raisins shall remain under surveillance of the inspector during such process. The actions of the tenderer shall be done without delay, take place at the unloading dock in the inspection point, or in the immediate area thereof, and be under observation of the inspector.
(b) Submission of inspection certificates to the Committee. A copy of each inspection certificate which a handler is required to submit to the Committee pursuant to Sec. 989.58(d) shall be submitted not later than Wednesday of the week following the week for which such certificate was issued. This may be accomplished by authorizing the inspection service to submit a copy of each such inspection certificate directly to the Committee. A copy of such authorization shall be furnished to the Committee.
(c) Off-grade raisins--(1) Holding and identification. The inspection certificates covering any lot of off-grade raisins shall state whether or not such off-grade raisins are storable. Any raisins which do not meet the applicable grade and condition standards shall be classified in one of the three categories specified in Sec. 989.58(e)(1) within 5 business days (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays) after inspection or 3 such business days after issuance of the inspection certificate, whichever is later: Provided, That these time limits may be extended by the Committee under such conditions as it may deem necessary in the circumstances. The handler shall report to the Committee the information as required and specified in Sec. 989.173(b)(5). Any such lot of off-grade raisins shall be identified immediately following inspection by fixing to a container on each pallet a prenumbered RAC control card (to be furnished by the Committee), and kept separate and apart from any other raisins in the handler's possession. In the event the handler does not normally use pallets in his operation the RAC control card shall be affixed to one or more of the containers in each lot. The RAC control cards shall remain fixed to the containers until the raisins are (i) disposed of by the handler in eligible nonnormal outlets, (ii) returned unstemmed to the tenderer, or (iii) submitted for reconditioning. The cards shall be removed only by an inspector of the inspection service or authorized Committee personnel, except control cards designating lots held only for fumigation may be removed by the handler after the completion of fumigation to the satisfaction of the inspection service. Each lot of off-grade raisins not returned to the tenderer shall be stored by the handler separate and apart by varietal types from all other raisins and by disposition and conditioning categories which preserve the lot identity and, if for reconditioning, the defect identity. Off-grade raisins shall be stored in such a manner as to be accessible to the Committee.
(1) Holding and identification. The inspection certificates covering any lot of off-grade raisins shall state whether or not such off-grade raisins are storable. Any raisins which do not meet the applicable grade and condition standards shall be classified in one of the three categories specified in Sec. 989.58(e)(1) within 5 business days (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays) after inspection or 3 such business days after issuance of the inspection certificate, whichever is later: Provided, That these time limits may be extended by the Committee under such conditions as it may deem necessary in the circumstances. The handler shall report to the Committee the information as required and specified in Sec. 989.173(b)(5). Any such lot of off-grade raisins shall be identified immediately following inspection by fixing to a container on each pallet a prenumbered RAC control card (to be furnished by the Committee), and kept separate and apart from any other raisins in the handler's possession. In the event the handler does not normally use pallets in his operation the RAC control card shall be affixed to one or more of the containers in each lot. The RAC control cards shall remain fixed to the containers until the raisins are (i) disposed of by the handler in eligible nonnormal outlets, (ii) returned unstemmed to the tenderer, or (iii) submitted for reconditioning. The cards shall be removed only by an inspector of the inspection service or authorized Committee personnel, except control cards designating lots held only for fumigation may be removed by the handler after the completion of fumigation to the satisfaction of the inspection service. Each lot of off-grade raisins not returned to the tenderer shall be stored by the handler separate and apart by varietal types from all other raisins and by disposition and conditioning categories which preserve the lot identity and, if for reconditioning, the defect identity. Off-grade raisins shall be stored in such a manner as to be accessible to the Committee.
(2) Change in off-grade categories. After raisins have been classified as to the categories in Sec. 989.58(e)(1), any lot of natural condition off-grade raisins held by a handler under paragraph (i) or (iii) of Sec. 989.58(e)(1), may be changed to the other category, or to paragraph (ii). Prior to making such change, the handler shall notify the inspection service at least one business day in advance of the time such handler plans to begin such change. Such notification shall be provided verbally or by other means of communication, including e-mail. Any off-grade lot under paragraph (ii) of Sec. 989.58(e)(1) which has not been removed from the handler premises and is identifiable with the original inspection, may be tendered to the handler for the purposes of paragraph (i) or (iii) of Sec. 989.58(e)(1) and, if accepted, the handler shall so report to the Committee. It shall be the responsibility of the handler to establish and maintain the identity of the raisins in the changed categories in accordance with the applicable provisions of paragraph (c)(1) of this section. Where the tenderer has a financial interest in the raisins the handler shall, before making any change in category, submit to the Committee evidence of the tenderer's permission to make any such change, except for changes from paragraph (i) or paragraph (iii) to paragraph (ii) of Sec. 989.58(e)(1).
(3) Interplant and interpacker transfer of off-grade raisins. Any packer may, pursuant to Sec. 989.58(e)(2) and under the surveillance of the inspection service, transfer to or from another packer's plant in California, any off-grade raisins for reconditioning. Such transfer may be for the packer's convenience or that of a financially interested person. Where a tenderer or other person has a financial interest in the raisins, the handler shall first obtain the tenderer's or other interested person's written agreement to the transfer.The handler shall notify the inspection service in advance of the time such handler plans to transfer each lot. Such notification shall be provided verbally or by other means of communication, including e-mail. The notification shall be at least 1 business day in advance of the transfer unless a shorter period is acceptable to the inspection service. In the same manner except for the tenderer's or other person's written agreement, any packer may transfer off-grade raisins from one of his plants or inspection points to another of his plants in California. In both cases such raisins may be removed directly to the premises of the receiving packer or another plant of the packer under the surveillance of the inspection service. Upon completion of the transfer all applicable provisions of this part shall apply with respect to such raisins and the packer receiving them.
(4) Reconditioning off-grade raisins--reconditioning requirements. (i) The handler shall notify the inspection service at least one business day in advance of the time such handler plans to begin reconditioning each lot of raisins, unless a shorter period is acceptable to the inspection service. Such notification shall be provided verbally or by other means of communication, including e-mail. Natural condition raisins which have been reconditioned shall continue to be considered natural condition raisins for purposes of reinspection (inspection pursuant to Sec. 989.58(d)) or setaside by a handler to satisfy the handler's reserve pool obligation, after such reconditioning has been completed, if no water or moisture has been added; otherwise, such raisins shall be considered as packed raisins. The weight of the raisins reconditioned successfully shall be determined by reweighing, except where a lot, before reconditioning, failed due to excess moisture only. The weight of such raisins resulting from reconditioning a lot failing account excess moisture may be determined by deducting 1.2 percent of the weight for each percent of moisture in excess of the allowable tolerance. When necessary due to the presence of sand, as determined by the inspection service, the requirement for deducting sand tare and the manner of its determination, as prescribed in paragraph (a)(1) of this section, shall apply in computing the net weight of any such successfully reconditioned natural condition raisins. If, after reconditioning, such raisins meet the minimum grade standards, but no longer are natural condition raisins as defined in Sec. 989.8, any handler who acquires such raisins shall meet his reserve obligation from natural condition standard raisins of the same varietal type acquired by him. The weight of the reconditioned raisins acquired as packed raisins shall be adjusted to natural condition weight by the use of factors applicable to the various degrees of processing accomplished. The applicable factor shall be that selected by the inspector of the reconditioned raisins from among factors established by the Committee with the approval of the Secretary.
(i) The handler shall notify the inspection service at least one business day in advance of the time such handler plans to begin reconditioning each lot of raisins, unless a shorter period is acceptable to the inspection service. Such notification shall be provided verbally or by other means of communication, including e-mail. Natural condition raisins which have been reconditioned shall continue to be considered natural condition raisins for purposes of reinspection (inspection pursuant to Sec. 989.58(d)) or setaside by a handler to satisfy the handler's reserve pool obligation, after such reconditioning has been completed, if no water or moisture has been added; otherwise, such raisins shall be considered as packed raisins. The weight of the raisins reconditioned successfully shall be determined by reweighing, except where a lot, before reconditioning, failed due to excess moisture only. The weight of such raisins resulting from reconditioning a lot failing account excess moisture may be determined by deducting 1.2 percent of the weight for each percent of moisture in excess of the allowable tolerance. When necessary due to the presence of sand, as determined by the inspection service, the requirement for deducting sand tare and the manner of its determination, as prescribed in paragraph (a)(1) of this section, shall apply in computing the net weight of any such successfully reconditioned natural condition raisins. If, after reconditioning, such raisins meet the minimum grade standards, but no longer are natural condition raisins as defined in Sec. 989.8, any handler who acquires such raisins shall meet his reserve obligation from natural condition standard raisins of the same varietal type acquired by him. The weight of the reconditioned raisins acquired as packed raisins shall be adjusted to natural condition weight by the use of factors applicable to the various degrees of processing accomplished. The applicable factor shall be that selected by the inspector of the reconditioned raisins from among factors established by the Committee with the approval of the Secretary.
(ii) In reconditioning off-grade raisins, a handler shall use methods designed to remove the defects whereby the lot fails to qualify as standard raisins. Lots with identical defects may be reconditioned simultaneously (commingled basis) but lots with differing defects shall be reconditioned as separate lots.
(5) General. Reconditioning of off-grade raisins by a handler shall be done in accordance with such procedure as will enable the inspector to observe the off-grade raisins at any time and to make a proper inspection. A packer may recover raisins from residual raisin material obtained from his reconditioning operations in conformity with the applicable provisions of Sec. 989.159(g)(1).
(6) Off-grade raisins which are not reconditioned successfully. (i) Except as provided in paragraph (c)(6)(ii) of this section, no handler shall return to the tenderer any off-grade raisins received for reconditioning which, after his reconditioning of them is complete, have been stemmed and which then fail to meet the applicable minimum grade standards. Any raisins which fail to meet the applicable minimum grade and condition standards or minimum grade standards after reconditioning and all residual material from reconditioning, held by the handler, shall be identified promptly by affixing to one or more containers in each lot, or to a container in each pallet if pallets are used, a prenumbered RAC control card as prescribed in paragraph (c)(1) of this section: Provided, That such failing raisins and residual material which are placed directly into trucks or trailers for immediate disposition need not be identified by affixing thereto a RAC control card. The handler shall hold the failing raisins and the residual material separate and apart from all other raisins. The control cards shall be removed from the containers only by an inspector of the inspection service or authorized Committee personnel. The handler shall physically dispose of the residual material, and any failing raisins which he does not return unstemmed to the tenderer, only in eligible nonnormal outlets as provided in Sec. 989.159(g)(2).
(i) Except as provided in paragraph (c)(6)(ii) of this section, no handler shall return to the tenderer any off-grade raisins received for reconditioning which, after his reconditioning of them is complete, have been stemmed and which then fail to meet the applicable minimum grade standards. Any raisins which fail to meet the applicable minimum grade and condition standards or minimum grade standards after reconditioning and all residual material from reconditioning, held by the handler, shall be identified promptly by affixing to one or more containers in each lot, or to a container in each pallet if pallets are used, a prenumbered RAC control card as prescribed in paragraph (c)(1) of this section: Provided, That such failing raisins and residual material which are placed directly into trucks or trailers for immediate disposition need not be identified by affixing thereto a RAC control card. The handler shall hold the failing raisins and the residual material separate and apart from all other raisins. The control cards shall be removed from the containers only by an inspector of the inspection service or authorized Committee personnel. The handler shall physically dispose of the residual material, and any failing raisins which he does not return unstemmed to the tenderer, only in eligible nonnormal outlets as provided in Sec. 989.159(g)(2).
(ii) Any packer may arrange for or permit the tenderer to remove the stemmed raisins (described in paragraph (c)(6)(i) of this section), but not the residual, directly to the premises, within California, of another packer for further reconditioning of the raisins at the latter's premises. Such removal and transfer shall be made under the surveillance of the inspection service. The packer shall notify the inspection service as required in paragraph (c)(3) of this section. Such raisins may be received by the other packer without inspection. On and after such receipt of the raisins for further reconditioning, all applicable provisions of this part shall apply with respect to such raisins and the packer so receiving them.
(7) Return of off-grade raisins to tenderer. Any off-grade raisins which are to be returned unstemmed to the tenderer pursuant to Sec. 989.58(e)(1)(ii), shall be physically returned within five business days after the issuance of the inspection certificate: Provided, That such time limit may be extended by the Committee as it may deem justified by extenuating circumstances. The handler shall file with the Committee a report of the returned raisins as required in Sec. 989.173(b)(4).
(i) Unstemmed and stemmed raisins. For the purpose of determining whether or not off-grade raisins may be returned to the person tendering such raisins, ``unstemmed'' raisins shall be defined as lots of raisins that contain 150 or more capstems per pound. ``Stemmed'' raisins means lots of raisins that contain less than 150 capstems per pound.
(d) Reinspection of raisins held more than one hundred and twenty days on memorandum receipt. No handler shall acquire raisins held on memorandum receipt for a period longer than one hundred and twenty (120) days unless such raisins have been reinspected and certified immediately prior to acquisition as meeting the minimum requirements for standard raisins: Provided, That the Committee at any other time may require such reinspection and certification of raisins held on memorandum receipt as a prerequisite to acquisition if it has reason to believe that the raisins do not then meet such requirements.
(e) Inspection of raisins on dehydrator's premises--(1) Application and agreement. (i) Any dehydrator may submit to the Committee for approval, and the Committee may approve, in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph an application and agreement, on a form furnished by the Committee, providing for dehydrator on-premise inspection of natural condition raisins produced by the dehydrator by subjecting grapes to artificial heat. Raisins so produced are referred to in paragraph (a)(3) of this section and in this paragraph as ``dehydrated raisins.''
(1) Application and agreement. (i) Any dehydrator may submit to the Committee for approval, and the Committee may approve, in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph an application and agreement, on a form furnished by the Committee, providing for dehydrator on-premise inspection of natural condition raisins produced by the dehydrator by subjecting grapes to artificial heat. Raisins so produced are referred to in paragraph (a)(3) of this section and in this paragraph as ``dehydrated raisins.''
(i) Any dehydrator may submit to the Committee for approval, and the Committee may approve, in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph an application and agreement, on a form furnished by the Committee, providing for dehydrator on-premise inspection of natural condition raisins produced by the dehydrator by subjecting grapes to artificial heat. Raisins so produced are referred to in paragraph (a)(3) of this section and in this paragraph as ``dehydrated raisins.''
(ii) The provisions of such application and agreement shall include at least the following:
(a) The dehydrator shall request the inspection service to inspect all dehydrated raisins which the dehydrator produces and to issue a related memorandum report of inspection at the time of loading any quantity of such raisins for delivery to a packer's inspection point;
(b) The dehydrator will arrange with the inspection service for the necessary inspection service to be performed by the service, and the dehydrator will submit to the Committee a statement from the inspection service that the dehydrator has adequate facilities for the inspection and that such arrangements have been made;
(c) All necessary reconditioning of dehydrated raisins, identification and segregation of raisins, and movement of inspected dehydrated raisins on or from the dehydrator's premises shall be done in such manner and under such conditions as the inspection service may require;
(d) The dehydrator shall, at the time of the packer's receipt of such raisins, furnish to the packer to whose inspection point the inspected raisins are delivered the original and one copy of the memorandum report of inspection covering such raisins;
(e) The dehydrator shall maintain such records and furnish such reports and permit access to such records and the dehydrator's premises as required in the application and agreement or as the Committee may subsequently request; and
(f) The application and agreement may be suspended or terminated as provided therein.
(iii) The Committee will notify raisin packers of each dehydrator whose application and agreement has been approved by the Committee (such dehydrator is referred to in this subpart as ``authorized dehydrator''); similarly, the Committee will notify packers of each suspension or termination of a previously approved application and agreement.
(2) Delivery of inspected dehydrated raisins. Any dehydrated raisins which (i) are inspected on an authorized dehydrator's premises where produced; (ii) are moved promptly and directly to a packer's inspection point from the premises of the authorized dehydrator; (iii) are accompanied by an applicable memorandum report of inspection to be furnished to the packer; and (iv) are otherwise in compliance with the provisions of such approved application and agreement and this paragraph may be received by the packer without the inspection at time of receipt required by Sec. 989.58(d). With respect to such dehydrated raisins, the packer shall comply with all applicable requirements and procedures of this part, including, but not limited to, inspection after any necessary reconditioning and the inspection prescribed in Sec. 989.59.
(3) Packer's obligations. Immediately upon a packer's receiving any such already inspected dehydrated raisins accompanied by the applicable memorandum report of inspection, the packer shall give to the inspector at the packer's inspection point where the dehydrated raisins were received, the original and one copy of such memorandum report so that the inspector may enter the net weight and scale ticket number on such memorandum report of inspection and copy thereof. Whenever a packer receives off-grade raisins from an authorized dehydrator he shall so advise the inspector at the packer's inspection point at the time of such receipt; and such raisins shall not be unloaded except in the presence of the inspector or in accordance with such prior arrangements as may have been made between the packer and the inspection service.
(f) Inspection of raisins at cooperative bargaining association's receiving station--(1) Application and agreement. (i) In accordance with the provisions of this paragraph, any cooperative bargaining association may submit to the Committee for approval, and the Committee may approve, an application and agreement, on a form furnished by the Committee, providing that where the association receives from individual producers lots of natural condition raisins at any of its receiving points and the raisins are inspected and stored consistent with such application and agreement, such lots shall be eligible for delivery to handlers, pursuant to paragraph (f)(3) of this section, without reinspection. Any raisins which upon inspection by the inspection service do not meet the applicable grade and condition standards shall be identified immediately following inspection and kept separate and apart from any other raisins in the association's possession.
(1) Application and agreement. (i) In accordance with the provisions of this paragraph, any cooperative bargaining association may submit to the Committee for approval, and the Committee may approve, an application and agreement, on a form furnished by the Committee, providing that where the association receives from individual producers lots of natural condition raisins at any of its receiving points and the raisins are inspected and stored consistent with such application and agreement, such lots shall be eligible for delivery to handlers, pursuant to paragraph (f)(3) of this section, without reinspection. Any raisins which upon inspection by the inspection service do not meet the applicable grade and condition standards shall be identified immediately following inspection and kept separate and apart from any other raisins in the association's possession.
(2) Terms and conditions. The provisions of such application and agreement shall include at least the following terms and conditions:
(i) That the association shall, prior to delivery of any raisins to handlers, arrange for inspection services at the association's receiving station(s), and cause to be submitted to the Committee a statement by the inspection service of such arrangement and of the association's having adequate laboratory and other facilities for such services available at the association's receiving station(s).
(ii) That the association shall maintain such facilities satisfactory to the inspection service.
(iii) That the association shall request inspection of each lot of raisins immediately upon physical arrival thereof at the association's receiving station(s), and shall provide the inspector with any assistance necessary in the inspection of such raisins, including the movement of individual containers.
(iv) That the association shall fumigate all raisins received at the association's receiving station(s) as necessary to assure that the raisins are free from active infestation and maintain them as such while on such premises, and that fumigation shall be performed to the satisfaction of the inspection service.
(v) That the association shall, with respect to all raisins entering its premises which are not returned to the producer as provided in paragraph (f)(2)(vi) of this section, promptly affix to one or more containers in each lot, or to a container in each pallet if pallets are used, a Committee control card showing thereon such information as the Committee requires to maintain the producer identity of each lot and prevent commingling with any other lot. The association shall not move all or any portion of a lot of raisins on the premises of the association's receiving station(s) or load any such raisins for shipment, except in the presence of an inspector of the inspection service.
(vi) That the association shall store any standard raisins and any off-grade raisins which are held by it after receipt and inspection on the premises of its receiving station(s) under conditions which protect the raisins from rain, infestation and contamination, and which can be expected to maintain their respective conditions except for normal and natural deterioration and shrinkage. Any raisins which after receipt and inspection are not accepted and held by the association shall be returned to the producer within 5 business days after the issuance of the inspection certificate.
(vii) That the association shall furnish the inspection service with a completed Committee form requesting issuance, at the time of loading any lot of inspected raisins for delivery to any handler's inspection point, of a memorandum report of inspection covering such lot.
(viii) That the association shall deliver to the handler at the time of receipt of any such lot of eligible raisins at the handler's inspection point the original and one copy of the inspection service's related memorandum report of inspection; and such original and copy shall accompany the shipment of such lot from the premises of the association's receiving station(s) to the handler's inspection point.
(ix) That the association shall maintain complete records of the receipt, holding and disposition of each lot of raisins and retain such records for at least 2 years after the crop year in which such transactions occurred.
(x) That the association shall file promptly with the Committee certified reports showing such information as the Committee may request relative to the association's receipts, holdings, and dispositions of raisins.
(xi) That the association shall permit the Committee, the inspection service, and the Secretary of Agriculture, through their duly authorized representatives, to have access to the premises of the association's receiving station(s) to inspect such premises and any raisins thereon and any and all records with respect to the association's receipts, holdings and dispositions of raisins.
(xii) That upon approval of the application and agreement the Committee will notify handlers of such approval and that eligible lots of inspected raisins will not require incoming inspection at handler inspection points; will notify the interested handlers of any suspension or revocation, for good cause, of the eligibility of a particular lot of raisins; and will notify handlers of any suspension or termination of the application and agreement.
(xiii) That the Committee will request the inspection service to establish a fee to the association for the services to be rendered at the same rate as is charged handlers.
(xiv) That the application and agreement may be suspended or terminated as provided therein.
(3) Waiver of requirement for incoming inspection at handler inspection point. Any lot of raisins which (i) is inspected on the premises of the association's receiving station(s) pursuant to an approved application and agreement, (ii) is in compliance with the provisions of such application and agreement and this paragraph, (iii) is moved under the surveillance of the inspection service to a handler's inspection point from the association's receiving station(s) after issuance of the related memorandum report of inspection, and (iv) is accompanied by such memorandum report to be furnished to the handler may be received by the handler without the inspection as required by Sec. 989.58(d) at time of receipt.
(4) Handler's obligations. With respect to such raisins received by the handler, the handler shall comply with all applicable requirements and procedures of this part, including, but not limited to, the inspection prescribed in Sec. 989.59 and that required, as prescribed in Sec. 989.58(d), prior to the handler acquiring reconditioned raisins. Immediately upon a handler receiving any such raisins accompanied by the applicable memorandum report of inspection, the handler shall give to the inspector at the handler's inspection point where such raisins are received, the original and one copy of the memorandum report so that the inspector may enter the net weight and scale ticket number on such memorandum report of inspection and copy thereof. [27 FR 3112, Mar. 31, 1962, as amended at 27 FR 10249, Oct. 19, 1962; 27 FR 10409, Oct. 25, 1962; 28 FR 13544, Dec. 14, 1963; 31 FR 16305, Dec. 21, 1966; 32 FR 15915, Nov. 21, 1967; 32 FR 17467, Dec. 6 1967; 35 FR 16037, Oct. 13, 1970; 38 FR 20237, July 30, 1973; 42 FR 52377, Sept. 30, 1977; 49 FR 18731, May 2, 1984; 49 FR 33994, Aug. 28, 1984; 55 FR 2226, Jan. 23, 1990; 55 FR 36608, Sept. 6, 1990; 73 FR 42259, July 21, 2008]