(a) Except in in absentia hearings, a copy of all documents (including proposed exhibits or applications) filed with or presented to the Immigration Judge shall be simultaneously served by the presenting party on the opposing party or parties. Such service shall be in person or by first class mail to the most recent address contained in the Record of Proceeding. A certification showing service on the opposing party or parties on a date certain shall accompany any filing with the Immigration Judge unless service is made on the record during the hearing. Any documents or applications not containing such certification will not be considered by the Immigration Judge unless service is made on the record during a hearing.
(b) Unless otherwise permitted by the Immigration Judge, all written material presented to Immigration Judges including offers of evidence, correspondence, briefs, memoranda, or other documents must be submitted on 8\1/2\ x 11 size paper. The Immigration Judge may require that exhibits and other written material presented be indexed, paginated, and that a table of contents be provided. [52 FR 2936, Jan. 29, 1987. Redesignated and amended at 57 FR 11571, 11572, Apr. 6, 1992]