Section 91.1
Responsibility and authority of the pilot in command |
Section 91.3
Pilot in command of aircraft requiring more than one required pilot |
Section 91.5
Civil aircraft airworthiness |
Section 91.7
Civil aircraft flight manual, marking, and placard requirements |
Section 91.9
Prohibition on interference with crewmembers |
Section 91.11
Careless or reckless operation |
Section 91.13
Dropping objects |
Section 91.15
Alcohol or drugs |
Section 91.17
Carriage of narcotic drugs, marihuana, and depressant or stimulant drugs or substances |
Section 91.19
Portable electronic devices |
Section 91.21
Truth-in-leasing clause requirement in leases and conditional sales contracts |
Section 91.23
Aviation Safety Reporting Program: Prohibition against use of reports for enforcement purposes |
Section 91.25
Applicability |
Section 91.101
Preflight action |
Section 91.103
Flight crewmembers at stations |
Section 91.105
Use of safety belts, shoulder harnesses, and child restraint systems |
Section 91.107
Flight instruction; Simulated instrument flight and certain flight tests |
Section 91.109
Operating near other aircraft |
Section 91.111
Right-of-way rules: Except water operations |
Section 91.113
Right-of-way rules: Water operations |
Section 91.115
Aircraft speed |
Section 91.117
Minimum safe altitudes: General |
Section 91.119
Altimeter settings |
Section 91.121
Compliance with ATC clearances and instructions |
Section 91.123
ATC light signals |
Section 91.125
Operating on or in the vicinity of an airport in Class G airspace |
Section 91.126
Operating on or in the vicinity of an airport in Class E airspace |
Section 91.127
Operations in Class D airspace |
Section 91.129
Operations in Class C airspace |
Section 91.130
Operations in Class B airspace |
Section 91.131
Restricted and prohibited areas |
Section 91.133
Operations in Class A airspace |
Section 91.135
Temporary flight restrictions in the vicinity of disaster/hazard areas |
Section 91.137
Temporary flight restrictions in national disaster areas in the State of Hawaii |
Section 91.138
Emergency air traffic rules |
Section 91.139
Flight restrictions in the proximity of the Presidential and other parties |
Section 91.141
Flight limitation in the proximity of space flight operations |
Section 91.143
Temporary restriction on flight operations during abnormally high barometric pressure conditions |
Section 91.144
Management of aircraft operations in the vicinity of aerial demonstrations and major sporting events |
Section 91.145
Passenger-carrying flights for the benefit of a charitable, nonprofit, or community event |
Section 91.146
Passenger carrying flights for compensation or hire |
Section 91.147
Fuel requirements for flight in VFR conditions |
Section 91.151
VFR flight plan: Information required |
Section 91.153
Basic VFR weather minimums |
Section 91.155
Basic VFR weather minimums |
Section 91.155
Basic VFR weather minimums |
Section 91.155
Special VFR weather minimums |
Section 91.157
VFR cruising altitude or flight level |
Section 91.159
Special awareness training required for pilots flying under visual flight rules within a 60-nautical mile radius of the |
Section 91.161
Fuel requirements for flight in IFR conditions |
Section 91.167
IFR flight plan: Information required |
Section 91.169
VOR equipment check for IFR operations |
Section 91.171
ATC clearance and flight plan required |
Section 91.173
Takeoff and landing under IFR |
Section 91.175
Minimum altitudes for IFR operations |
Section 91.177
IFR cruising altitude or flight level |
Section 91.179
Operations within airspace designated as Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum airspace |
Section 91.180
Course to be flown |
Section 91.181
IFR communications |
Section 91.183
IFR operations: Two-way radio communications failure |
Section 91.185
Operation under IFR in controlled airspace: Malfunction reports |
Section 91.187
Category II and III operations: General operating rules |
Section 91.189
Category II and Category III manual |
Section 91.191
Certificate of authorization for certain Category II operations |
Section 91.193
Civil aircraft: Certifications required |
Section 91.203
Powered civil aircraft with standard category U |
Section 91.205
Emergency locator transmitters |
Section 91.207
Aircraft lights |
Section 91.209
Supplemental oxygen |
Section 91.211
Inoperative instruments and equipment |
Section 91.213
ATC transponder and altitude reporting equipment and use |
Section 91.215
Data correspondence between automatically reported pressure altitude data and the pilot's altitude reference |
Section 91.217
Altitude alerting system or device: Turbojet-powered civil airplanes |
Section 91.219
Traffic alert and collision avoidance system equipment and use |
Section 91.221
Terrain awareness and warning system |
Section 91.223
Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) Out equipment and use |
Section 91.225
Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) Out equipment performance requirements |
Section 91.227
Aerobatic flight |
Section 91.303
Flight test areas |
Section 91.305
Parachutes and parachuting |
Section 91.307
Towing: Gliders and unpowered ultralight vehicles |
Section 91.309
Towing: Other than under Sec |
Section 91.311
Restricted category civil aircraft: Operating limitations |
Section 91.313
Limited category civil aircraft: Operating limitations |
Section 91.315
Provisionally certificated civil aircraft: Operating limitations |
Section 91.317
Aircraft having experimental certificates: Operating limitations |
Section 91.319
Carriage of candidates in elections |
Section 91.321
Increased maximum certificated weights for certain airplanes operated in Alaska |
Section 91.323
Primary category aircraft: Operating limitations |
Section 91.325
Aircraft having a special airworthiness certificate in the light-sport category: Operating limitations |
Section 91.327
Applicability |
Section 91.401
General |
Section 91.403
Maintenance required |
Section 91.405
Operation after maintenance, preventive maintenance, rebuilding, or alteration |
Section 91.407
Inspections |
Section 91.409
Altimeter system and altitude reporting equipment tests and inspections |
Section 91.411
ATC transponder tests and inspections |
Section 91.413
Changes to aircraft inspection programs |
Section 91.415
Maintenance records |
Section 91.417
Transfer of maintenance records |
Section 91.419
Rebuilt engine maintenance records |
Section 91.421
Applicability |
Section 91.501
Flying equipment and operating information |
Section 91.503
Familiarity with operating limitations and emergency equipment |
Section 91.505
Equipment requirements: Over-the-top or night VFR operations |
Section 91.507
Survival equipment for overwater operations |
Section 91.509
Communication and navigation equipment for overwater operations |
Section 91.511
Emergency equipment |
Section 91.513
Flight altitude rules |
Section 91.515
Passenger information |
Section 91.517
Passenger briefing |
Section 91.519
Shoulder harness |
Section 91.521
Carry-on baggage |
Section 91.523
Carriage of cargo |
Section 91.525
Operating in icing conditions |
Section 91.527
Flight engineer requirements |
Section 91.529
Second in command requirements |
Section 91.531
Flight attendant requirements |
Section 91.533
Stowage of food, beverage, and passenger service equipment during aircraft movement on the surface, takeoff, |
Section 91.535
Applicability |
Section 91.601
Aural speed warning device |
Section 91.603
Transport category civil airplane weight limitations |
Section 91.605
Emergency exits for airplanes carrying passengers for hire |
Section 91.607
Flight data recorders and cockpit voice recorders |
Section 91.609
Authorization for ferry flight with one engine inoperative |
Section 91.611
Materials for compartment interiors |
Section 91.613
Applicability |
Section 91.701
Persons on board |
Section 91.702
Operations of civil aircraft of U |
Section 91.703
Operations within airspace designated as Minimum Navigation Performance Specification Airspace |
Section 91.705
Operations within airspace designed as Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum Airspace |
Section 91.706
Flights between Mexico or Canada and the United States |
Section 91.707
Operations to Cuba |
Section 91.709
Special rules for foreign civil aircraft |
Section 91.711
Operation of civil aircraft of Cuban registry |
Section 91.713
Special flight authorizations for foreign civil aircraft |
Section 91.715
Applicability: Relation to part 36 |
Section 91.801
Part 125 operators: Designation of applicable regulations |
Section 91.803
Final compliance: Subsonic airplanes |
Section 91.805
Agricultural and fire fighting airplanes: Noise operating limitations |
Section 91.815
Civil aircraft sonic boom |
Section 91.817
Civil supersonic airplanes that do not comply with part 36 |
Section 91.819
Civil supersonic airplanes: Noise limits |
Section 91.821
Definitions |
Section 91.851
Final compliance: Civil subsonic airplanes |
Section 91.853
Entry and nonaddition rule |
Section 91.855
Stage 2 operations outside of the 48 contiguous United States |
Section 91.857
Special flight authorizations for non-revenue Stage 2 operations |
Section 91.858
Modification to meet Stage 3 or Stage 4 noise levels |
Section 91.859
Base level |
Section 91.861
Transfers of Stage 2 airplanes with base level |
Section 91.863
Phased compliance for operators with base level |
Section 91.865
Phased compliance for new entrants |
Section 91.867
Carry-forward compliance |
Section 91.869
Waivers from interim compliance requirements |
Section 91.871
Waivers from final compliance |
Section 91.873
Annual progress reports |
Section 91.875
Annual reporting of Hawaiian operations |
Section 91.877
Final compliance: Civil subsonic jet airplanes weighing 75,000 pounds or less |
Section 91.881
Special flight authorizations for jet airplanes weighing 75,000 pounds or less |
Section 91.883
Policy and procedures |
Section 91.903
List of rules subject to waivers |
Section 91.905
Applicability |
Section 91.1001
Compliance date |
Section 91.1002
Management contract between owner and program manager |
Section 91.1003
Prohibitions and limitations |
Section 91.1005
Flights conducted under part 121 or part 135 of this chapter |
Section 91.1007
Clarification of operational control |
Section 91.1009
Operational control responsibilities and delegation |
Section 91.1011
Operational control briefing and acknowledgment |
Section 91.1013
Issuing or denying management specifications |
Section 91.1014
Management specifications |
Section 91.1015
Amending program manager's management specifications |
Section 91.1017
Conducting tests and inspections |
Section 91.1019
Internal safety reporting and incident/accident response |
Section 91.1021
Program operating manual requirements |
Section 91.1023
Program operating manual contents |
Section 91.1025
Recordkeeping |
Section 91.1027
Flight scheduling and locating requirements |
Section 91.1029
Pilot in command or second in command: Designation required |
Section 91.1031
Operating information required |
Section 91.1033
Passenger awareness |
Section 91.1035
Large transport category airplanes: Turbine engine powered; Limitations; Destination and alternate airports |
Section 91.1037
IFR takeoff, approach and landing minimums |
Section 91.1039
Aircraft proving and validation tests |
Section 91.1041
Additional equipment requirements |
Section 91.1045
Drug and alcohol misuse education program |
Section 91.1047
Personnel |
Section 91.1049
Employment of former FAA employees |
Section 91.1050
Pilot safety background check |
Section 91.1051
Crewmember experience |
Section 91.1053
Pilot operating limitations and pairing requirement |
Section 91.1055
Flight, duty and rest time requirements: All crewmembers |
Section 91.1057
Flight time limitations and rest requirements: One or two pilot crews |
Section 91.1059
Augmented flight crews |
Section 91.1061
Duty periods and rest requirements: Flight attendants |
Section 91.1062
Testing and training: Applicability and terms used |
Section 91.1063
Initial and recurrent pilot testing requirements |
Section 91.1065
Initial and recurrent flight attendant crewmember testing requirements |
Section 91.1067
Flight crew: Instrument proficiency check requirements |
Section 91.1069
Crewmember: Tests and checks, grace provisions, training to accepted standards |
Section 91.1071
Training program: General |
Section 91.1073
Training program: Special rules |
Section 91.1075
Training program and revision: Initial and final approval |
Section 91.1077
Training program: Curriculum |
Section 91.1079
Crewmember training requirements |
Section 91.1081
Crewmember emergency training |
Section 91.1083
Hazardous materials recognition training |
Section 91.1085
Approval of aircraft simulators and other training devices |
Section 91.1087
Qualifications: Check pilots (aircraft) and check pilots (simulator) |
Section 91.1089
Qualifications: Flight instructors (aircraft) and flight instructors (simulator) |
Section 91.1091
Initial and transition training and checking: Check pilots (aircraft), check pilots (simulator) |
Section 91.1093
Initial and transition training and checking: Flight instructors (aircraft), flight instructors (simulator) |
Section 91.1095
Pilot and flight attendant crewmember training programs |
Section 91.1097
Crewmember initial and recurrent training requirements |
Section 91.1099
Pilots: Initial, transition, and upgrade ground training |
Section 91.1101
Pilots: Initial, transition, upgrade, requalification, and differences flight training |
Section 91.1103
Flight attendants: Initial and transition ground training |
Section 91.1105
Recurrent training |
Section 91.1107
Aircraft maintenance: Inspection program |
Section 91.1109
Maintenance training |
Section 91.1111
Maintenance recordkeeping |
Section 91.1113
Inoperable instruments and equipment |
Section 91.1115
Continuous airworthiness maintenance program use by fractional ownership program manager |
Section 91.1411
CAMP: Responsibility for airworthiness |
Section 91.1413
CAMP: Mechanical reliability reports |
Section 91.1415
CAMP: Mechanical interruption summary report |
Section 91.1417
CAMP: Maintenance organization |
Section 91.1423
CAMP: Maintenance, preventive maintenance, and alteration programs |
Section 91.1425
CAMP: Manual requirements |
Section 91.1427
CAMP: Required inspection personnel |
Section 91.1429
CAMP: Continuing analysis and surveillance |
Section 91.1431
CAMP: Maintenance and preventive maintenance training program |
Section 91.1433
CAMP: Certificate requirements |
Section 91.1435
CAMP: Authority to perform and approve maintenance |
Section 91.1437
CAMP: Maintenance recording requirements |
Section 91.1439
CAMP: Transfer of maintenance records |
Section 91.1441
CAMP: Airworthiness release or aircraft maintenance log entry |
Section 91.1443
Purpose and definition |
Section 91.1501
Repairs assessment for pressurized fuselages |
Section 91.1505
Fuel tank system inspection program |
Section 91.1507
Special Federal Aviation Regulation No |
Section 91.1603
Special Federal Aviation Regulation No |
Section 91.1605
Special Federal Aviation Regulation No |
Section 91.1607
Special Federal Aviation Regulation No |
Section 91.1609
Applicability |