airspace.91.127 Operating on or in the vicinity of an airport in Class E
airspace.91.129 Operations in Class D airspace.91.130 Operations in Class C airspace.91.131 Operations in Class B airspace.91.133 Restricted and prohibited areas.91.135 Operations in Class A airspace.91.137 Temporary flight restrictions.91.141 Flight restrictions in the proximity of the Presidential and
other parties.91.143 Flight limitation in the proximity of space flight operations.91.153 VFR flight plan: Information required.91.155 Basic VFR weather minimums91.157 Special VFR weather minimums.91.159 VFR cruising altitude or flight level.91.169 IFR flight plan: Information required.91.173 ATC clearance and flight plan required.91.175 Takeoff and landing under IFR.91.177 Minimum altitudes for IFR operations.91.179 IFR cruising altitude or flight level.91.181 Course to be flown.91.183 IFR radio communications.91.185 IFR operations: Two-way radio communications failure.91.187 Operation under IFR in controlled airspace: Malfunction reports.91.209 Aircraft lights.91.303 Aerobatic flights.91.305 Flight test areas.91.311 Towing: Other than under Sec. 91.309.91.313(e) Restricted category civil aircraft: Operating limitations.91.515 Flight altitude rules.91.705 Operations within the North Atlantic Minimum Navigation
Performance Specifications Airspace.91.707 Flights between Mexico or Canada and the United States.91.713 Operation of civil aircraft of Cuban registry. [Doc. No. 18334, 54 FR 34325, Aug. 18, 1989, as amended by Amdt. 91-227, 56 FR 65661, Dec. 17, 1991] Sec. Sec. 91.907-91.999 [Reserved]